Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Then perhaps you could explain what isn't being understood, and by whom?

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

I'm guessing it's the whole concept of Christian music that adnek55 is saying is being misunderstood. By whom, I don't know.
I think one of the problems is that a great deal, in fact A VERY GREAT DEAL of Christian music is written by Christians FOR Christians. So is there a case for - if you're not in on it then you don't get it? I can understand that to a certain degree but I think the original point was that it was the actual music that was dull, not the philosophy of it. And unless you are in the heat of the moment, as it were, then the emotion and spirituality of the WHOLE THING is kinda lost.

I have found myself, at times, moved while singing what can only be described as a dirge. You know the kind of hymn that talks of great joy while singing what sounds like a funeral march. And yet there I am filling up and brimming over. That's hard to explain.

So I can inderstand where adnek is coming from but it still doesn't change my view that a lot of contemporary Christian music is awful.  But let's not forget there is a ton of mainstream music out there that is also total dross. Musically and lyrically speaking.
Surely we've all listened to a song and cringed at how bad it is. Christian or not.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

53 (edited by jerome.oneil 2007-08-31 17:06:12)

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

I think that's it.  I believe there is a fundamental disconnect between those that feel it must be wonderful for no other reason than it is about Jesus, and those that feel that it's awful no matter what the topic.

I'm still sticking with the %90 rule.   %90 of *everything* is crap.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

wot about creed, theyre a christian group and have crossed over to the mainstream side of music. they even had a number one few years ago if memory serves with 'arms wide open'   

god bless you my children and go in peace!

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

geraldine.e wrote:

wot about creed, theyre a christian group and have crossed over to the mainstream side of music. they even had a number one few years ago if memory serves with 'arms wide open'   

god bless you my children and go in peace!

Good example of the %90 rule.  Creed is crap no matter what they sing about.  big_smile

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

It's all a matter of opinion, of course.
I thought it was just Mr Stapp who had gone public as a christian. And he's no longer with them. In fact they are no longer together as far as I know.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Who was it who once said that religion was the opium of the masses, i cant remember who but they were right.
