1 (edited by Strummerboy Bill 2018-11-18 18:05:54)

Topic: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

......... and what do you think you need to get you out of it and begin playing again?

First, this post isn't about those of you who, like our friend Classical Guitar are dedicated to your instrument, and it's not about those of you who play for a living or even those of you who love music so much you would sleep with your guitar if folks didn't think you were weird for doing so.

It's for folks like me who are having problems with motivation - which turns to guilt - which turns to self-anger at being so lazy.

I'm just going to throw some things out at you which I am experiencing and maybe you can relate or maybe you can't, but these are real and they keep me from playing. Bear with me......

1. My fingernails need trimming. Being that I have thick fingers and am arthritic in them, the best thing to get a clear-sounding chord is for me to keep my nails short, but for some reason not trimming them when they interfere, makes me say "Oh well, I won't sound good anyway and I don't think they need it yet, so I'll just wait"

BOOM - A chance to play or practice is missed.

2.  Worried about something. This may be one you can relate to, but as my dad once told me, "Worry is like a rocking chair. You can do it all day, but it gets you nowhere." Still, I give in to it and......

BOOM Another one gone.

3. "I Just don't feel like it, okay????" That's the one I have the most trouble defending, especially since I almost daily hum a song in my head or am working out some words.....

"There they sit, Bill. All three of them in their little stands, just waiting for you to pick one of them up and work that tune out, but you're gonna pass them by, aren't you?"

Yep, and BOOM that's three down.

There may be more, but that's what came up in my befuddled brain on short notice.....

Now, what can happen to get me to pay attention to those three fine ladies again?

Someone could knock on my door, and upon opening it, I'd see an old friend with his guitar case in his hand (and maybe a six-pack of cold ones, but not necessary) asking if I have time to do some pickin' and grinnin'.

THAT'S what would do it. That's the thing.

Oh, I remember what I wrote previously about joining our church band, but that didn't really turn out as planned. I mentioned it to our pastor, and he said he'd pass it along, but since then - nothing,  and my personality is such that I usually don't ask twice - this may also be why I didn't have many dates in high school. THAT and I thought one really had to have feelings of love for a girl to ask her out, but that's another story,

So how about you,  dear friends and family? Got anything you wanna share? smile



Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

I try to cut my nails once a week, usually a Thursday, lately it's been Monday. Long nails do interfere with fingering and long term can dig ruts in the fingerboard.

I want to practice everyday. When I do if I fluff too many chords or riffs the guitar goes back on it's hanger.

Here's one you haven't mentioned Bill....the internet! I should be practicing now but I like to check Chordie and my emails morning and evening

Of course there's marital interference, wash the dishes, hoover the carpet, hang that shelf.  Etc etc     

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

The internet. Yep, completely forgot about that one, my friend, and here's something else internet-related which gets me "hung up": The guitar-education sites. There are so many out there, Phill, and maybe I'll subscribe to one having good intentions of visiting it and using it to make me a better guitarist, but then one of the aforementioned "blocks" gets in the way and I may as well have thrown the money away.

Thanks for the input. It's good to know that even the pros deal with these things!


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

4 (edited by Tenement Funster 2018-11-19 01:04:14)

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

Another great topic, Bill ... as always. My main block to playing more than I do is prioritizing, and unfortunately that puts playing guitar well down the list. I put everything in three columns mentally, to make sure important things don't get ignored:

1) Things I mustdo
Earning income, maintaining household, cars, etc., looking after my wife and family, eat, sleep, etc.

2) Things I shoulddo
Visiting relatives or people in hospital, personal health stuff, church responsibilities, working on my next book, etc.

3) Things I wantto do
Reading, fishing, kayaking, wood working, watching basketball & football (soccer), listening to music, and yes ... playing guitars

While this doesn't give me as much time to play as I'd like (or need) it does keep me hungry to play, which is always a good thing.

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

I like the way TF has done it; I'm in a similar position, and playing guitar is in the same place - my average is about 1 to 2 hours per week, on a good week I might get 4 hours in, but that's about as high as the priority can go ...

But on the positive side, I try to organise my ppractice time, so I don't get too distracted; "these" are the songs I'll play (usually 4 or 5), "this" is how many times I'll practice it (usually 2), "this" is what I'll do once I've finished them (free time, songs I haven't tried, play some blues, etc) ...



-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-
Bandcamp     https://richardmortimer.bandcamp.com/follow_me
Discogs          https://www.discogs.com/release/29065579
YouTube         https://www.youtube.com/@RichardMortimerMusic

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

I don't know if it's a block but I don't practice every day I usually pick up my guitar and play some chord progressions and ideas flow so I work on them till I like the progression and decide to add lyrics. Other times I work on scales up and down the neck or a particular set of notes that are hard to play with consistency till I have it and it makes me feel better simple as that, wing it. smile     

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

I have two blocks that stand out -   
1) My right hand
2) My left hand


In teaching full time, being the athletic director, coaching three varsity sports - my schedule is pretty tight -
My priorities are
1) My Family - then whatever else comes my way.
Guitar playing is way down the list because - mainly I stink at it !

I only really play because it is my avenue to writing which is my release time and my sanctuary away from everything that bothers me.
I leave the playing and singing of my songs to my friends ( where the real talent is)  here on Chordie.

Great topic Bill

Thank you,

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

Good question Bill ......
Well lets see .....
1.  I do cut my fingers nails because I just can`t play the uke or guitar with long nails (I am still trying to finger out how Dolly Parton plays that banjo with those long talons of hers).
2.  Busy busy busy is probably my biggest down fall to not playing as much as I would like too. With family, a household, grandkids, various groups I am involved with and various activities i am involved with ........... doesn't leave much time. 
3.  I have the type of personality that takes on too much and involved in too much ............. I need to learn to say no a bit more (not to people) but to myself!!! So I can do what I really want to do.     

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >    https://soundcloud.com/ukulelejan

9 (edited by Peatle Jville 2018-11-21 10:36:59)

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

For me playing guitar has been hard to do as I am not a natural. I have never really ever got that good at it. I use to get very frustrated trying to play scales and so on. Now I have limited movement in my arms and fingers when I do have a play if I get something out that has a basic nice  sound I am happy. I most probably only play a few minutes a week now as I get a bit pain when I try and play even though I have pain killers in my  system. . My Maree has never liked my guitar or piano playing. Even though I am retired I have plenty of other things going on. Music is only a small part of my life nowdays.  I will attach a song  for  you Bill.  I wrote it four years ago with my friend Darcy playing guitar for me about the frustrations, for me of  trying to play guitar. Funny thing about Darcy he is  a really good guitar player but he will only plays bass proffesionally  in the many bands he has been in.
Good to see you posting .
Love to you and Dondra.
Your friend Pete


Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

Scales practice, and what to do with the scale once you know it. And what it means to "know" a scale.     

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

Tenement Funster wrote:

Another great topic, Bill ... as always. My main block to playing more than I do is prioritizing, and unfortunately that puts playing guitar well down the list. I put everything in three columns mentally, to make sure important things don't get ignored:

1) Things I mustdo
Earning income, maintaining household, cars, etc., looking after my wife and family, eat, sleep, etc.

2) Things I shoulddo
Visiting relatives or people in hospital, personal health stuff, church responsibilities, working on my next book, etc.

3) Things I wantto do
Reading, fishing, kayaking, wood working, watching basketball & football (soccer), listening to music, and yes ... playing guitars

While this doesn't give me as much time to play as I'd like (or need) it does keep me hungry to play, which is always a good thing.

I see you mentioned about writing `another` book.Tell me more.
I`m very interested to hear about your writing,as i`m in awe of authors.     

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

Peatle Jville wrote:

For me playing guitar has been hard to do as I am not a natural. I have never really ever got that good at it. I use to get very frustrated trying to play scales and so on. Now I have limited movement in my arms and fingers when I do have a play if I get something out that has a basic nice  sound I am happy. I most probably only play a few minutes a week now as I get a bit pain when I try and play even though I have pain killers in my  system. . My Maree has never liked my guitar or piano playing. Even though I am retired I have plenty of other things going on. Music is only a small part of my life nowdays.  I will attach a song  for  you Bill.  I wrote it four years ago with my friend Darcy playing guitar for me about the frustrations, for me of  trying to play guitar. Funny thing about Darcy he is  a really good guitar player but he will only plays bass proffesionally  in the many bands he has been in.
Good to see you posting .
Love to you and Dondra.
Your friend Pete


Thank you for the song, Pete. my brotha! I had to smile at your frustrations ! You sang for me as well!


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: What's YOUR Guitar-Playing "Block",........

I know the "I just don't feel like it" block. Although, at the moment, a bigger one for me is "I'm just too busy".

My most effective way to get past both of them is to have something prepared to work on that I can do in a really short space of time. Just 5 minutes. Or even 1 minute. It could be an exercise that you're trying to get better at. Or just playing once through the chords to a song you like.

Whatever it is, your task is just to play that for a couple of minutes. Once that's done, you're free to stop and do something else. Most of the time, though, I find that the motivation has appeared and I stick with it. If not, then that's still fine. I have no need to feel guilty because I've done my bit of playing - short though it was.