Topic: Every Little Thing You Do

I wrote this a few months ago about my favorite song topic.

Every Little Thing You Do By Jeff Gilpin


Verse 1

[Dm]Words sometimes e[Bb]vade me

[F]When I think of [C]you,

[Dm]Searching and [Bb]searching

To des[F]cribe the things you [C]do.

[Dm]Simple things all [C]through the day

I [Dm]see when you’re a[C]round,

And I [Bb]ponder all the [F]things I see,

And [C]try and write them [F]down.


Your [Bb]easy ele[F]gance,

Your [C]casual [F]care,

Your [Bb]ways of doing [F]everything

That [C]you are una[C7]ware

Can [Dm]capture my at[C]tention, and

Make [Dm]me forget the [C]time,

And [Bb]seems to e[F]vade my

Trying to [C]put it down in [F]rhyme.


Be[C]cause you are a poem,

A [Dm]living work of art.

[C]My eyes are always drawn to [Dm]you.

[C]Sometimes unexpected

[Dm]Giving me a start

In [C]every [Bb]little thing you [F]do.


Verse 2

I [Dm]see you when you’re [Bb]reading

Lost [F]in some writer’s [C]realm.

[Dm]Then sometimes I’ll [Bb]catch your eyes

A[F]bove your glass’ [C]rims,

And the [Dm]look that you [C]give me then

De[Dm]pending on your [C]mood

Can [Bb]swing from love to [F]anger, and

[C]Yet I still in[F]trude on your,


Your [Bb]easy ele[F]gance,

Your [C]casual [F]care,

Your [Bb]ways of doing [F]everything

That [C]you are una[C7]ware

Can [Dm]capture my at[C]tention, and

Make [Dm]me forget the [C]time,

And [Bb]seems to e[F]vade my

Trying to [C]put it down in [F]rhyme.


Be[C]cause you are a poem,

A [Dm]living work of art.

[C]My eyes are always drawn to [Dm]you.

[C]Sometimes unexpected

[Dm]Giving me a start

In [C]every [Bb]little thing you [F]do.


J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Every Little Thing You Do

Jeff an other really nice verse and song and the recording is good too. Nice to read and listen to what you write. Thank you for sharing it.     

Music is what feelings sound like.
Music is life, that why our hearts have beats.

Re: Every Little Thing You Do

My pleasure CG.     

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Every Little Thing You Do

Jeff that is  an outstanding love song very cleverly put together.  I wish I could write one like that.     

Re: Every Little Thing You Do

Indeed, clever!
Nice performance as well.
Keep'em coming my friend!

Thanks for the share.

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Every Little Thing You Do

Thanks you two!     

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C