Topic: The Saga of the Splinter

On Friday 24th August I got a splinter in my left hand index finger which, for a right handed guitarist, is the very worst finger to injure. The splinter was from an old piece of timber that had been exposed to the elements for years and no doubt excesses of bodily waste from insects, birds and rodents. Being very brittle it broke flush as I tried to remove it and with a pair of tweezers I managed to remove a 4mm piece but I knew there was more inside that I could not reach. By Saturday evening my finger was nearly twice the size it should be so I called in at my local chemist for advise and was told to go to the A&E at the local hospital at Loule. I arrived there at 20:00 and saw the receptionist and the triage nurse who both spoke good English and then I went to see the doctor who, although she appeared to understand English she used Google translate to communicate with me. Eventually she wrote that I must have a X-ray and I immediately said "X-ray não bom por madeira" which literally translated means "X-ray no good for wood" but she insisted so off I went. The X-ray technician asked what I was there for and when I told him he said that the X-ray will not detect wood only an ultrasound would work. I said I had told the doctor this and he left the room but came back a few minutes later muttering under his breath and two X-rays were duly taken. I was later called to see the doctor again who proudly showed me the enlarged X-ray of my finger and said "Look no madeira". By this time it was 23:00 and I had lost all confidence in her medical skills so accepted her prescription for antibiotics and iodine and went home.

Ten days later on Monday 3rd September, the swelling had gone down and I could see and feel the splinter so I went back to A&E hoping that I would see a different doctor, and I did. He agreed that he could see and feel there was something there but he would not take any notice of my suggestion that he use a scalpel to open up my finger and remove the splinter. I needed an ultrasound before anything could be done so he wrote a paper out and suggested that I go to the doctors surgery in Almancil but I said the I never went there as the only English speaking doctor had left some years ago so he sent me to the doctor's surgery at the hospital but after waiting 45 minutes and getting no where I thought I might try Almancil. Off to Almancil I trot eventually getting to the receptionist who says no one speaks English. Later that day I was talking to my friend Sara who said it was her day off on Tuesday and she would come with me and translate, What an angel!!

Tuesday morning at 09:00 we arrive at the Loule doctor's surgery and eventually get to see the receptionist who informs us that I am registered at Almancil and so I must go there. Off we go to Almancil and Sara makes an appointment for me at 12:40 on Wednesday and informs me she will be available to come with me and translate.

Wednesday we get there on time and the doctor seems to be saying to Sara that I must have an ultrasound so I chime in "Please, use a scalpel to open it up and remove it for me". He ponders for a moment or two, then gets up and requested that I follow him and get ushered into another room with a lady in a white coat who I later find out is the nurse. She looks and feels my finger asking where it hurts, then sprays it with some very cold substance to numb it, takes a large hypodermic needle and in a few seconds says. "It is out and it is a large one" It was about 5mm long and my finger immediately felt fine, no discomfort at all.

So I see three doctors but it takes a nurse to sort out my problem. lol lol lol 

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Hey  Roger when we lived in Crete the  last band I  played with had  two nurses and a  heart surgeon  as  part of the line up. So we always  got   executive  treatment  at  the  hospital. 

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Lucky you, but I hope you did not need the heart surgeon. 

"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Man what a bummer. Is it close to healed or still trauma from the ordeal?

Earlier this summer I got a hand injury (way less dramatic than yours) while gardening and now I always wear leather gloves even if I don’t think I need to. 

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Thanks Joe, it is 3 days since the nurse removed it and it it is healing nicely. I do keep a dressing on it but I am able to play my guitar (albeit a little awkwardly) which is a good job as the band and I have a gig next saturday.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

And we Knock the NHS? I bet it cost you a fortune? Keep playing it will harden the area quicker. 

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

7 (edited by TIGLJK 2018-09-08 12:44:56)

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Glad u are recovering great

I got a splinter about 5 years ago in my finger - pulled out no problem. Then my finger swelled .  Found out that it wasn't the splinter, but a reaction the chemical residue that was left  from the treated lumber. 
I like you - now wear gloves!

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

I'm glad you're feeling better.

I cut my own out. It's a little disconcerting, but a whole lot faster and cheaper. 

I wear work gloves too.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: The Saga of the Splinter


Dondra said to tell you, "Avoid that first doctor like the plague!" ---- Must be a medical joke. She worked 35 years as a respiratory therapist in her hospital's emergency room.

Anyway, she said your experience with that first guy sounded scary.

About scalpels: we ordered some from eBay and keep them in our little emergency kit for just such a purpose. Do they have social medicine in Portugal or are you going to be charged for those useless X-Rays?

Big hug from Dondra and a brotherly knock on the shoulder from me. smile


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

10 (edited by bluejeep 2018-09-09 00:12:37)

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Thankfully  the saga of the splinter is not something I've had to experience as I've never even seen or talked to the doctor who owns/runs the medical facility I go to for general health care.  I only ever see the family nurse practitioner, which is ok by me as we've become great friends over the years and she lives close by.

Live in the "now" - a contentment of the moment - the past is gone - the future doesn't exist - all we ever really have is now and it's always "now".

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Ouch, hope you are ok now ... 

-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

Thanks guys (and Dondra) my finger is healing well and no longer open so I am able to play guitar comfortably again. I am registered on the health system here, the hospital visits cost me €14.00 each time and the GP visit €4.50 so it was not overly expensive.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: The Saga of the Splinter

That's an ordeal for the record books ... wow! Glad they eventually got you sorted out, and you're on the mend.

A friend who plays and teaches classical guitar guards his right hand fingernails like they were gold. He told me he's gotten in the habit of doing more with his left hand, so he doesn't risk breaking nails. It's his livelihood, so as fanatical as it sounds it makes sense. Our own CG has said he uses the pads of his fingers, so a RH splinter would likely slow him down.