Topic: I need help with something

So I decided to pick up guitar again about six months ago.  I went out and bought one of those package acoustic deals; the Yamaha Gigmaker.  I've had it set-up properly and have even upgraded the strings.

Here's the problem.  When I play some of the barre chords, primarily B and C I get this dull sound.  I can play these chords fine and even check each string to make sure I'm hitting 'em clean.  It doesn't vibrate but just sounds deep. 

I practice a couple of hours each night and have gotten pretty efficient again.  Could it be the guitar? I'm thinking about buying a new one if that's the case.  I put a lot of time into so the money would be well spent.  What do you guys think?

Re: I need help with something

I tihnk you should get yourself down to a guitar shop and play a few guitars with these chords and see what sound you get. Pick out a few really really expensive ones to try, see what they sound like.
If it has the same sound then probably the way you are playing. If it sounds clearer and different then I would be edging on blaming the guitar.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: I need help with something

upyerkilt is right of course.  This will be the best way (and only way I see) to determine what the problem is.  Of course there is another way, but it involves candles, insense and live chickens.  Let's hope you figure it out before it comes to that.  wink

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