1 (edited by Tenement Funster 2018-06-18 11:23:07)

Topic: Goodall Guitars & Doug Smith

I watched a documentary on YouTube last evening about acoustic guitars being made at Goodall Guitars in Fort Bragg, California:

Documentary:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS78naDiB4k

Goodall Website:  http://goodallguitars.com/about/#shopcontact

It was narrated by father and son James and Luke Goodall, enjoyable and very informative, and there was some nicely played acoustic work being played throughout. In the end credits, I noticed one of the players was someone named Doug Smith!

Could that be our Doug Smith, I wondered?

Re: Goodall Guitars & Doug Smith

Come to think of it, I know that guy and you could say we are friends...... we look kinda alike...... but he's the one who got all the talent musically.  big_smile

ETA:   We met up in Portland at the Handmade Musical Instrument Show.  I found him lurking in one of the halls just off the main showroom running through a couple of tunes he was performing onstage during the event, and we had a short nice conversation.  The stage performance was top notch by everyone who demonstrated instruments off the showroom floor.  Doug is a genuinely personable guy (a couple of inches taller than me) but we have similar backgrounds, and I actually felt hat he would be the kind of person that would fit right in here in Chordieland. Now if I could just figure out a way to get him to attend one of the Annual Chordie Functions........
Just 20 minutes of up close observation of Doug's skills and technique was for me an educational and enlightening experience.  Inspirational..... but waaaay above my level !!!

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Goodall Guitars & Doug Smith

That's soooo cool that you two actually met ... thanks for the backgrounder! When I saw that the other Doug Smith was also from the west coast, I started wondering. As you say, watching one these high level guitarists play is a true education in itself.

Re: Goodall Guitars & Doug Smith

The making of a Goodall guitar was fascinating. 

I went to locate a dealer -  the cheapest guitar made by Goodall  was  $6,700 

That is way out of my pay scale for a guitar for the level of playing I am capable of. If I was a good guitarist - I would definately consider something like this - what a beautiful sound and high quality.

Thanks for sharing.

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Goodall Guitars & Doug Smith

But they don't have Dirty Ed's mojo in them.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude