Topic: Ripples Over Calm Water
Easybeat asked me to come up with something new for chordie this is the best I could do. I hope it is not confusing in the Kiwi way it is written
Ripples Over Calm Water
As I stand to face the sky.
Looking for a song to send out.
Waiting on words and tunes to come.
My precious stone to throw into calm waters.
A small seed to make ripples around this earth
Within this restless, hurried, modern world
For a very brief moment no more the sound of words and music.
I speak to the few who love me.
Those who think I can come up with a perfect dream
Looking to me in their exhaustion.
Me the wrong one without any clear vision.
My only answer,your tired overworked have a *moe my darling .
You will find yourself in a dream a vision of what you want for your future..
For all of us there are distant thoughts just about to rise above the ocean.
Underneath the depths is clever air and new ideas .
Above the depth of despair a universe of posibilities.
Whirling around the horrizon .
Slow and steady when their ready.
Probabilities out there drifting towards my fragile shores.
A sandy shore full of grains and rocks waiting for a good tide to wash away unwanted debris .
The power of the moon. pulling and pushing emotions.
A common bond shared by all a need for a clear light
Painted thoughts in differant colours pushed by invisible wind.
With a line or two
I will unfurl my sails.
Singing out at the top of my voice a part of my soul once hidden.
Without fear of truth.
My inner self screams out make it fair for all..
From life's depth powerful explosions push out of my mouth.
Sent to wake sleeping minds.
Riding on sound waves in my head good music.
Smashing into and running over any negative thought.,
Strong lines holding sails to the mast while heading towards a promising horizon..
Floating in and over the harshness of unpreditable swirls and tides
Something a power better than me keeping my ego humble..
A common belief in good powering my speeding vessel.
Challenging oncoming waves.
Out of the unexpected a time of peace is found a perfect moment to drop my song a peice of stone into calm water.
*Waiata now bringing differant souls together.
*Haumi e hui e taiki e let it be done.
As ripples spread over calm water.
From beneath the four winds.
My song will flow.
* Moe (sleep )
* Waiata (song)
*Haumi e hui e taiki e ( let it be done ).