Topic: earth....

I'm not one for writing poems, this is my first...  just watching the news... came up with this,,,

  The earth called the other day,
  We talked about the past,
  She said ,If only there was another way,
  Just so I could last,
  I said I'm just one man what can I do ?
  She said Don't worry bout it son,
  Soon there'll be nothing left for you..

I thought for a minute or two,
And invited her for tea,
She said I can't, not today,
I have meetings with big executives,
They want to cut my tree's, burn my oil,
Mine for coal and tin,
  I don't know if I can take it anymore,
When's it all gonna end...........

   Badeye    cool

one caper after another

Re: earth....

Gidday Badeye
that is an excellent poem,ain`t it great to put your thoughts to words.
i look forward to more poems from you.
Now you`ve let a little light in,the sun will rise again.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: earth....

Excellent first effort, it could almost be a song? Or maybe a lament! The powers that be would rather make money than save the world for our and their children's future....when will it end? Keep em coming.

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

4 (edited by Peatle Jville 2018-01-27 20:37:02)

Re: earth....

Badeye that is a brilliant way to describe what is happening to Mother Earth, Keep writing poems you have the gift,  Your poem is a great way to make people think.  Those forms of story telling are very important in my family circles.
I am part Fijian and even though most of my people are Christian today we still tell keep alive our old stories and myths from nature, involving indigenous plants and animals.
One popular Fijian creation myth that explains the existence of human life on the islands is of the ancestral snake god, Degei. In the beginning, Degei lived a lonely life with only Turukawa, the hawk, as a friend. One day, Turukawa disappeared, and Degei went in search of her. He came across Turukawa’s bird’s nest, in which he found two abandoned eggs that he promptly took to his own house to nurture. After several weeks of nesting, the eggs hatched to reveal two tiny human bodies. Degei raised the humans, grew vegetation in order to feed them and told them stories that revealed the nature of all things.
After a good deal of time, Degei traveled through the ocean with the humans and their progeny and landed in Lautoka where he established the village of Viseisei, which is believed to be the first Fijian settlement. According to legend, Degei created Viti Levu and the smaller surrounding islands and now lives in a cave in the Nakavadra mountain range in Viti Levu. Newly dead souls pass through Degei’s cave and he determines whether they will be sent to paradise or flung into a lake to await punishment.
Degei is the most powerful god in the pantheon (or “Kalou”) of deities that make up the old Fijian religion. Other gods in Kalou include Degei’s son, Rokolo, the patron of carpenters and canoe-builders, Ratumaibulu, who ensured and health and abundance of crops, and Ravuyalo, who was known for obstructing the newly dead from their journey into the afterlife. Most of the gods who were widely recognized and venerated throughout the islands were not viewed as gentle or caring but rather as indifferent to the affairs and troubles of humans. Part of our mindset is a respect of land and sea a living entity, .plus the creatures that inhabit this world.
In our tradition the land is the physical or geographical entity of the people, upon which their a group depends. Land is thus an extension of the self. Likewise the people are an extension of the land. Land becomes lifeless and useless without the people, and likewise the people are helpless and insecure without land to thrive upon.

5 (edited by Jandle 2018-01-28 07:23:43)

Re: earth....

Ditto to Phill`s comment, this could be a song.  I like what you have written here, excellent first attempt, excellent full stop smile

(edited to correct a spelling mistake by Jandle)

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >