Topic: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

How can we get this implemented. I saw it on ultimateguitar[dot]com. it really helps when trying to learn a song and play along.

Are feature requests even allowed? perhaps someone could direct me where to make one. In the meantime add your support if you think this would help.

Happy Strumming

Re: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

Feature requests are always welcome.

I am in the middle of making a major change to the layout. The goal is to have as much info on the screen as possible. Hopefully autoscrolling will not be necessary.

Re: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

Excited to hear about the 'major' layout change, any idea when you will be rolling it out? As regard the auto scrolling, the length of some songs makes me think there is no way they would all stay on screen, unless you have some 'far out' idea I haven't thought of!! you tease, lol. The current layout is frustration is when i am half way through a song and suddenly the next verse is off the bottom of the screen, I have to stop strumming and quickly find the down arrow on my keyboard and scroll down to the next part of the screen. On a long song this can happen 2 or 3 times. An auto scroll at the correct tempo implemented unobtrusively with javascript would solve my problem. If you like you can file this email message away under "ad hoc user testing". smile

Can't wait top see new layout

Re: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

Just spotted the autoscroll...this is fabulous!! All my wishes come true, now maybe i can concenrate on playing along better  lol

Can't thank you enough



Re: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

so what happened to the Auto scroll   did it die  ?  I can't find it

Re: Feature request for AutoScroll (javascript)

Hi windrat - Look on any song page, on the right side, next to the print button is the auto-scroll button.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!