Topic: ChordiePa 2017
It's that time of year again. Warm days and cool nights in the mountains of Central Pa.
Oct. 6, 7 & 8, 2017
Enter Blain, Pa. into your favorite map program or GPS. I'll pass the actual address along privately but Blain will get you within 3 miles.
I'll have food and drink (to be determined) but if liquor is your thing you'll need to bring it along. Since I don't drink it, I don't know all the different types of liquor and what is quality or junk. Sorry.
I know of at least 3 locals so far that are coming.
There is an addition to the overnight accommodations. Jim and Amy will recall Jeff from last year, the modest local guy with the incredible voice and the $3500 Taylor. He bought the camp behind me and offered to put people up for the night. Here is a snip from the email he sent me.
"We do have the couch, a queen size and single inflatable bed if someone needs and are ok with Dexter."
Dexter is a big, lovable, 85lb German Shepard. If you give him a little scratch, you'll never get rid of him. Very people friendly. The nearest decent motel is close to 30 miles away. The local country store closes at 8:00PM and is closed all day Sunday. The closest gas is 10 miles away and is also closed Sunday. Yeah we're kind of out in the sticks. Keep an eye out for Amish buggy's. They're doing 10mph on a curvy 50mph road.
Here is a playlist from 2015. It was a beautiful weekend. … xMYkNJc67P
And here is a playlist from 2016. It rained all weekend and we were confined to the indoors. … 59fEMgjOPW
Were going to hope for a repeat of 2015.
[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]