Cheers Phill and Jandal thank you for your feedback
i wrote the poem in reply to a good poem sent to me asking a question about the dilemma of who to vote for by Easybeat. I think worldwide politically people are looking for new and better ways of political leadership and government. Though New Zealand is often lauded overseas as an egalitarian society, in the decades from 1985 onwards, New Zealand had the biggest increase in income gaps of any developed country. Incomes for the richest Kiwis doubled, while those of the poorest stagnated. Middle income earners didn’t do too well, either. Infrastructure and immigration has divided New Zealand for years, but the divisive questions usually involve its impact on government deficits, local wages, the environment, and whether immigrants are really needed to do the jobs that Kiwis can do. Auckland our biggest city has a problem where people like Nurses, Teachers, Police cant afford to live there due to high rentals and property values. A property bubble and rampant speculation following the 2008 financial crisis has contributed to soaring income inequality along with sustained attacks on the wage levels and basic social rights of ordinary people, including access to accommodation. Auckland’s housing market is now only slightly cheaper than London but less affordable than Los Angeles, Toronto, New York, Perth, Brisbane and Boston Over the rest of the country it is now harder in most areas for people to get into good housing than it was a couple of decades back. The other issue here is education and health . With education there is issues around are we teaching our children the necessary skills to make it in the real world. With health system is the issue of are we providing first world care.