Topic: funny thing
about 10 years ago i packed up my fender strat because of some wear on the fretts and fingerboard. well that was my excuse!
i bought it back in 1972 from new, (a Mexican) left hand of course and in white. well i gigged it constantly in the 70's, 80's and 90's and some of the naughties. truth is i was never happy with the sound i got from it, so after buying a lot of different FX pedals including a cry baby wah wah, chorus, echo, fuzz etc then boss multies i gave up and bought an awful lump of firewood i wont name then my lovely telecaster.
so for quite a while i've been meaning to get it out and give it a go on my new pedals.....the action is superb, the sound was very raunchy and i couldn't detect that string buzz i had when i mothballed it.
can a guitar mend itself? or was it as happy as me to get it out of the box for a little while?