YES! Sorry, I didn't see this sooner.
You could absolutely create your own google site to host the songs if you'd like. I created one as there are a few members here that were flustered that their own original songs wouldn't render properly when posted in chopro in the forums. As you're still pretty new to Chordie and not known to me personally, plus I have no clue how many you want to upload, I'm not sure about just giving you access to upload to my own google site, but it's not too tricky to create one of your own!
You can use the Chordie Chordpro Renderer for formatting/printing. Create your own website and store the files in a folder that is not private. A good free way to do this is - as said previously - with google sites. Then, just try this syntax (type it into the web address of the browser):
...just replace the with the correct address of your website and the specific file location and file name! I highly suggest renaming those txt files to chopro also. I believe there's some more info about that on my resource page (use the link below).
Here's my very basic google site I've set up that you're welcome to view as an example:
You don't need much, just a place to put the files online, then you can use Chordie to render the files and once done, you can even add them to your songbook and use the transpose and print features of Chordie!
Here's an example of a link rendered in chordie and the song is hosted on that mini-site: … yes.chopro
If you have additional questions on how to do this, please feel free to drop me an email. I'll try to walk you through it as painlessly as possible!
The only issue left is - the indexing of songs. I don't believe that the admin indexes originals, so your songs will not likely make it to the public Chordie search making it easy for all the people of the world to search them on Chordie (but they will be able to see, play and enjoy them if you find another way to use the links). You can view more information about that in the stickies in this section and Resource page links above.
Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.