Topic: Melancholy Christmas

Gidday all.
There`s been a few original xmas chordie songs about. so thought i`d add another.
It`s not a poem it`s more a song,but i haven`t got any chords,hence it`s in` Chat Corner`

   Melancholy Christmas
I`m not looking forward to
being with out you
I`m not looking forward to
a melancholy christmas
Doing things we usually do
a melancholy christmas
so have a good time
maybe next year
we`ll get together again
like we`ve done in years gone by
in the mean time
missing you
I`m not looking forward to
a melancholy christmas

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Melancholy Christmas

hi EB, you should have posted this in Poems until you or one of our trusted musicians might put some chords to it. i guess a mod from this forum will come along and move it for you, so you'll know where to find it. never the less it is what it says on the tin....melancholy and quite sad, you've written it in the style of a letter, maybe something there to work on? i have a son out in Oz working "up north" as he says in the mines, sadly he's working over Christmas as he has done for the last few years as he has no wife in Oz (long story) but just recently he met a young lady from Bali which he seems taken with, so you never know? the point is; they're both alone for Christmas, so maybe next year? just like your song talks about.

so well done.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Melancholy Christmas

thanks for taking the time to comment.
I`ve been writing xmas songs all this week
funny how xmas  gets in your soul.
wonderful time of year.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Melancholy Christmas

I like the way your poem can fit into all sorts of differant background stories. That sort of feeling people get when someone close or a person who you would like to spend more time with can't be with you at Christmas.