Topic: BLUES

G'day from down under

I have read about alot of problems people are having learnin to play and see im not the only one i have had lessons and although they have been helpful i still get stuck when it comes to the blues.Is there any basic strumming pattern to use? been trying to play for about 1yr now can anyone help? thanks


This guy here gives some basic blues riffs for the song "Before You Accuse Me". It's pretty good for basic riffs.


Blues is instantly recognizable, yet almost impossible to describe.  Howlin' Wolf played many a song using just one chord. B.B. King doesn't even play chords. Muddy Waters played with a length of pipe a friend made for him. Albert Collins played it upside down and backwards. To ask about strumming patterns for blues will lead you down a path that has infinite length and width. All that I can say is to try to imitate your favorite artist.  Listen closely to the guitar tracks.  Concentrate on this player's acoustic blues tunes.  Don't start by trying to learn songs that are heavily orchestrated with horns, keyboards and other distractions.  The simple acoustic tunes are easiest to focus on. You may find that there is no strumming pattern at all.  You may find this player uses a hybrid picking technique as opposed to strumming.  Most important of all is that blues is a feeling not a process or technique.
  Good luck.

Now available in 5G !



There are several variations when it comes to playing blues.  There are jazzy type blues and Southern style blues.  However, the chords and scales are very much interchangeable. 

I'm personally love the jazzy type blues (George Benson, Crusaders, etc.)  To play this type of blues, it's good to learn barre chords and a few major scales.  Blues chords like 7th and 9th are pretty popular.  Then, you have some Southern blues (Stevie Ray Vaughn, BB King, Muddy Waters, etc.)  I also love to play these as well. 

Bottom line is that it would be ideal to expand your playing to barre chords and scales.  These are easier to do on an electric guitar.  It's a bit tougher to bend or slide on an acoustic.  Just my opinion, of course.

barnesy wrote:

G'day from down under

I have read about alot of problems people are having learnin to play and see im not the only one i have had lessons and although they have been helpful i still get stuck when it comes to the blues.Is there any basic strumming pattern to use? been trying to play for about 1yr now can anyone help? thanks


i think its iall about you loving what u play,then you'll do a perfect blues;Also listen to alot of blue& instrumentals.


You should probably try the shuffle, its based on triplets missing out the middle one.
So its like this:

1  2  3  4  

Re: BLUES … luesguitar

I learnt a lot here, its a good site. It has some samples to listen to and play along with.

BTW, does anybody know how to write tabs in the forum using courier new? I can only do it with the "code" box


like to thank everyone for advise been a while since ive been on due to work so havent really played much in last couple of months and it sucks not being able to play for a while. while on subject of practice any hints on what you can do for practice when you havent got guitar with you,i do listen to all sorts of music and try to pick out the rythym for the songs but still not the same. i do drive trucks so thats the only way i can think of. thanks again