Ok everyone, for Suggested FSOM for January 2017 (can you believe it, nearly 2017 already!) we will be doing 2 songs once again.
FIRSTLY, we are looking for Suggestions from you the members, of any ORIGINAL SONG written by CHORDIE MEMBERS. Yes, that’s right, we want to hear YOUR suggestions of an Original Song that you think one of our members has written that would be great to perform. One that you think has potential, that you think is just different, that you think is particularly well written, that you just love everything about it, that you would like to listen to yourself or others performing. It can be for any reason!
You will find plenty of Original Songs from our talented Chordie Members if you visit the SONGWRITING THREAD here in the Forum. Just pop over there, have a look and see what songs you think you would like to suggest. Then come back here to this thread and put enter your suggestion. You can suggest more than one song if you like, you may have a few original songs you like or just can`t decide which one you fancy the most.
Towards the end of the month, we will put ALL suggestions INTO THE HAT and draw one out which will be ONE of the FSOM for January.
Have fun choosing and Suggesting an Original Song and we look forward to seeing what gets chosen.
SECONDLY, we the Moderators, are going to choose a Song from previously unchosen Suggested Songs. There are still so many good song suggestions from previous months, we thought we would pick a song from one of those. We will reveal towards the end of the month which one it will be.
So start making your suggestions.
Covers and some Originals found over there ------- >