Re: Can us song qriters try this??
OK Alex this is your thread and your idea has resulted in in a song with many contributors. Funnily enough this is absolutely ideal for an idea that I had a couple of weeks ago.
I had contacted James and Old Doll and suggested that we try a musical collaboration, I have not done this before but I think that I can overlay the seperate performances, and we were looking for a song to use. E-mails have been flying back and forth between America, Ireland and Portugal and we are going to give it a whirl.
It will take a little time to complete and we will use this thread to keep you informed of the progress.
The first thing that I have to do is to write a backing track and send it to Helena and James. This will be used to to keep the timing of the three recordings identical. I will do that this evening.
So, please keep your fingers crossed.