I think, before I would buy a laminated F2512e without a hard case, I would go to Reverb and look at the GAD j12-30 solid maple jumbo in a hard case at or close to what you will have into the 2512. You would get an ebony fret board, real Grover mini tuners and dual truss rods as well. These were the first Asian Guilds, sold a few years back. All later Asian Guilds have had some of the nicest features removed. The Asian Westerly models have really been stripped down. The all blond 17" GAD jumbo is the best of the lot, however...and there's one for sale/best offer on Reverb.
They also have a FJ12, 16" jumbo...both with hard cases...both with pick-up
If your heart is set on the 2512e, the TKL jumbo case would fit fine.
'Oli L2 koa baritone uke/'Oli rosewood baritone uke
Kanile'a Pahoku baritnoe uke/Primrose baritone uke,
Pono Bn-3-4 tenor guitar, Pono Bn8-1 8string tenor guitar, Republic Hwy49 tenor resonator guitar
Hoyt/Ode custom model33-19t tenor banjo, Hoyt custom 10"maple baritone banjolele