I forgot I put this up here. 
dino48 wrote:ujb you sound pretty good to me a little fast. It s hard too do Van Morrison he is some jazz,rock,folk etc. He is also my favorite singer he has such a great Power voice. You might also try his song And it stoned me, it only has a few easy chords and is a great tune,.
Thanks Dino. It didn't start out that fast. Over the course of the last couple months it sort of drifted there. You're right about Morrison's voice. He can really belt it out. We went through "It Stoned Me" a couple times one day but didn't pursue it.
Jandle wrote:I like Van Morrison`s music too .......... you guys look like your having fun doing it .......... the harmonica sounded great with it.
Thanks Jan. That day was the first time Ted (with the harp) sat in with us. I wish he would have played a little more than he did. It fit right in but I think he was concerned about over doing it his first time out.
richeverman wrote:Looks like you have the idea! Great job and playing!
Thanks rich. 
[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]