Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

<b>AXE</b>:ok hate to turn the forum into a debate board, but i think that the only reason people like the beatles is cuz of peer pressure, i mean tons of people say you cant be a rock musician if you dont like the beatles!! just cuz they were the "rock inventors or w/e.  i personally tolerate them, although nowhere man and let it be are alright.

<b>ROCKER</b>:i could see ozzy as god, and rob zombie as jesus (he looks kinda like him)... but david lee roth?? a disciple?!?!? man i must be a frickin saint lol

<b>STITCH</b>:AMEN <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

That's sounds cool, I never thought of Christian music but it's a cool idea, seeming I am one. What I have done is learnt "The whole world in his hands", it sound great on guitar and slap bass. I hope to play in Church some day that would be great.

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

perhaps im more a 'lyricists' than a musician, but if I can relate to the words i can overlook boring music, and even begin to enjoy it after a while. if the singer puts their soul into it it can make a bad song good. Some songs have excellent sound but the words dont make sense, but i rock out to them too. however some songs have goods beats and terrible words. i.e. certain ellicit rap songs. i'm sorry but if your words make me want to puke I dont care how good the music is I'm listening.
piont being...Whether you love music and/or lyrics there has to be a least one song in every genre that you can bob your head and ta[ your foot to. Even if you havent heard it yet I bet it is out there or soon will be.

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

christian songs arn't that bad, not if you listen to the heavier music anyway...try the BarLow Girls or Hillsong. they are really good.

cheers love u all

Follow your heart
It usually makes the right decisions <3

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

There's alot of great opinions in here. This sucks that sucks. I'm not going to agree or disagree with any of them.

Have you ever spent years thinking a particular song sucks and then you learn to play the guitar and find that it's really fun to play. Now that sucks!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

bedrock wrote:

Other than black gospel and some cracker spirtuals (like in O Brother Where Art Thou), "Contemporary Christian Music" can best be used to put you to sleep. Surely, if God were real, he would inspire better music.

Im with you on contemporary music being crappy but i assure you the Lord HAS inspired better music... you should hear my dad sing 'will ther be any stars in my crown'.... now THAT is music he can tear that piano up boy

All You Need is Love smile

32 (edited by alvee33 2007-08-12 12:43:52)

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

I think the Christian music "scene" is so big now that it's a bit unfair to say that it's ALL rubbish. I have to admit to liking bands like Switchfoot and The Fray. But I also must admit that there is an awful lot of really bad Christian music that just makes me squirm. But that can be said for ALL music and not just Christian.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

yeah I guess so but is it bad to like a bad with such a great influence on the music world when underneath everything thats what their take on God verses them is??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

4hisgloryband wrote:

yeah I guess so but is it bad to like a bad with such a great influence on the music world when underneath everything thats what their take on God verses them is??

I'm sorry but I can't understand what you just said...refrase please? And type slowly...I seem to be having a stupid day.

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

4hisgloryband wrote:

hello morgan??

Still not understanding....not morgan either. Sorry

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

I think I understand what you're saying. Is it bad to like a band when underneath all the music there is a Christian message? Like, are most of these bands bad BECAUSE of the message? Or, it's the message that's the important thing?

If we are talking about contemporary music then it has to relate to the contemporary world. An awful lot of Christian music presents a shiny, sugar coated way of life, which is fine for some purposes but which I (and I stress this is personal) find very patronising and sickly sweet.

It's not the message that is bad, it's the music or the lyric that is poorly constructed and presented.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Thanx Alvee! Now I understand. Like I said ....stupid day.

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Oh sorry I guess I was alittle weird on the words there..haha

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

"If we are talking about contemporary music then it has to relate to the contemporary world. An awful lot of Christian music presents a shiny, sugar coated way of life, which is fine for some purposes but which I (and I stress this is personal) find very patronising and sickly sweet."

Just throwing in an amen on that one lol
My life was never sugar coated... seems like there's this message going out (and im not putting down any bands or churches or whatever i just mean from people in general) that when you're a christian everything's smiley and nice and comfortable, when the truth of the matter is Jesus is a personal savior and Lord, not  a ticket out of all your problems. Yes he'll be there but you're still gonna get sick and probly die someday and you're still gonna have bills to pay and relationships that need work and cars that break down and you're uncle bubba's gonna still be in jail and your cousin adrian's still gonna be a hooker, and you're boss is gonna still be a jackass.... anyway you get the point.

All You Need is Love smile

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Alvee - I think you nailed it on the head.  Christian music is for the most part boring to me.  There's some good tunes, but there's a lot of repetitive stinkers.  I call them 7/11 songs.  Seven words repeated eleven times.  But the genre of Christian Rock and Christian Country is maturing to the point that there's some tunes I like quite a lot.  The problem I've always had was how repetitive the songs were.  That happens frequently in secular Rock and Country as well, and I don't like those songs any better. 

I'm going to check out some of the sites referenced on this thread.  Sounds like there could be some good stuff.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Hey, Last Rebel, i'll just add an amen to your amen. Brother! lol

And Zurf, check out here - … ;Itemid=31

there is an option to listen to either hip hop and r & b, or ROCK. I'd go for the rock cos the other is just plain smelly. I've found a few good bands and tunes on here but as you say there is a lot of gut churning poop out there.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

alvee33 wrote:

Hey, Last Rebel, i'll just add an amen to your amen. Brother! lol

And Zurf, check out here - … ;Itemid=31

there is an option to listen to either hip hop and r & b, or ROCK. I'd go for the rock cos the other is just plain smelly. I've found a few good bands and tunes on here but as you say there is a lot of gut churning poop out there.

lol actually its sister but yeah

All You Need is Love smile

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Oops. Sorry!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

alvee33 wrote:

An awful lot of Christian music presents a shiny, sugar coated way of life, which is fine for some purposes but which I (and I stress this is personal) find very patronising and sickly sweet.

It's not the message that is bad, it's the music or the lyric that is poorly constructed and presented.

May I suggest "Right on Time" as performed by Randy Travis.  I'm not sure whether he's the composer or not.  It presents what I think is a very realistic representation of what it means to BECOME a Christian.  Very comforting and soothing lyrics (to me anyway).  It is on the Passing Through album.  (If you like Country, I highly recommend the Passing Through album.) 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

spaminator wrote:

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>bedrock wrote on Tue, 25 July 2006 21:48</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Other than black gospel and some cracker spirtuals (like in O Brother Where Art Thou), "Contemporary Christian Music" can best be used to put you to sleep. Surely, if God were real, he would inspire better music.

im a christian but i have to agree with this statement

contemporary Christian sucks bad

theres no real Christian blues

-since blues is the foundation for most modern music

-there can therefore be no good modern Christian music

--that was very scientific if i do say so myself


Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

It's not the praising the Lord that sucks, good grief no! but if you don't like the music then what can you do?

I have to agree that sometimes in church the music is not too my taste but I'm there to praise and it makes it ok. This is very complicated.

But if sitting in the house, and wanting to listen to music, I listen to what I like - obviously, and a lot of contemporary Christian music I would choose not to listen to.

Does this make me a hypocrite? Maybe. Very confusing. I'm off to lie down.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

alvee33 wrote:

Does this make me a hypocrite?


- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Who said Christian songs (or discussions about them) don't stir up emotions?  From reading these posts, one might disagree.  It almost seems  that the staunchest critics feel threatened by the music or the message. You shouldn't be so quick to judge something you don't understand.

Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

What is it you think isn't being understood, and by whom?

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: 4 Christian Songwriters

Ok in saying that most christian music out now is crap, you are making a huge generalization.

To start, I am a christian and I totally don't agree what with alot of you are saying.

Whoever said science has debunked christianity, you have NO Idea what you are saying. If you are interested in that at all, I would heartily recommend checking out Creation Magazine, where you see the other side of the story.  If you're not interested, you have no business making statements like that.

And contemporary christian music being crap?? come on, now how much have you actually heard?

There are some bands that are not that good, sure, but have you heard Casting Crowns ? Amazing band. Their whole dedication to music is really to God, and to ministring to others I t totally shows in the way they sing, the way they presnt them selves, their amazing lyrics, and the way they ignore in a way all their awards, record sales, nominations, all that media attention, saying that is not what is important about their music career. God is.

There are so many good singers out their that are Christian. Actually, this may stir up alot of argument, but I really believe that most Secular music is crap. Their attitudes, the way they present themselves, the message they have, So much of it makes me sick.

and I totally agree with what Adnek55 just said.

To reach out with your hands/ See the world through your eyes/ To live with the love of the savior/ To feel with your heart/ And think with your mind/I'd give my last breath for your glory!!!