1 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-17 03:38:54)

Topic: New Zealand Greeting .

https://youtu.be/YEvhR56G-AI  Hi just a link to a short video of greeting from New Zealand  to my Chordie friends in response to all your wonderful videos and photos. The home of Jandle  and Easybeat pluss the odd Hobit or two.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Jeez you are a dag mate

The King Of Audio Torture

3 (edited by Tenement Funster 2016-08-17 10:22:13)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Nice to meet you, Peatle, and to finally put a face to your name. Perhaps you or EasyBeat could enlighten the rest of us non-Kiwi's on what it means to be a "dag"? lol

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Haha good one Peatle and I agree with easybeat, your a hard case smile  Well done smile

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >    https://soundcloud.com/ukulelejan

Re: New Zealand Greeting .


Nice strumming, love the spirit you've got !!

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Thanks Peatle. You started my day off with a smile.
I hear that you're a "dag"...I would like to know if that's a good or bad thing..I'm thinking a good thing.
Good to see your face.

Thanks Chordie for the years of music and advise.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

well you asked for it!
A dag is the poo that gets stuck on the wool around a sheeps arse!
Yes true!!!!
But some how a dag has also come to mean `bit of a character`
Peatle is the second one.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

I was going to post a comment,  but I'm speechless

Thick as two short planks

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Thanks easybeat. You folks sure have a funny way of talking way down there.... I'll bet ours sounds about as funny to you.
Thanks for clearing up the definition for me. Yes, let's go with "bit of a character".

Thanks Chordie for the years of music and advise.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Hey Peatle! Nice to meet you. smile

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Howdy Peatle, I dug the tune

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Gidday ( Kiwi way of saying Howdy) Topdown , Uncle Joe, Rickyjack, Keepitreal,Tig, Tenement, sorry about the sound quality my laptop doesnt record that well.
Easybeat I appreciate you explaining what a Dag is. Our overseas friends most probably dont use words like Gum Boot, Jandals , Kai, Wops, Pakeha, Batch, Old Bombs, Feeling Crook, Grouse, Jee Jees and the word  Kiwi for New Zealander. But I guess they would understand most of our banter down at our local watering hole.
Jandle  inside that Peatle  hard case is a soft lining.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

That's what music is for - having fun.  Thanks for the tune!

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

14 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-18 20:48:52)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

I agree Zurf. I will attach a real Kiwi talent doing a song for you all to watch. I would love to hear your feed back on his  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRcGxhs … formance..

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Am I just being thick again or is the above link not active? Can't get it to play.

Thick as two short planks

16 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-18 21:12:36)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Sorry Keepitreal I will try attaching again it is Derek Lind doing What Came Natural on youtube my attaching link ability is not that good.
Hope fully this time I have got it right.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRcGxhsy0ag

17 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-18 21:11:13)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .


  If this one doesnt work I will see if Easybeat can put the attachment up.  Derek Lind

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

All 3 of the above links work for me.
Good song and well played. I wish I had the talent to write songs like that.

Thanks Chordie for the years of music and advise.

19 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-18 22:24:45)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Thank you Rickyjack I will attach another NZ song for you to check out by a band that is from here that Joe Walsh of the Eagles liked. He even came over to NZ to help them in the recording studio. The video was made at a Marae up on the East Coast of New Zealand at a place called Ruatoria.       Marae (Maori meeting place)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Great tune and message. Thanks for the feel good song.

Thanks Chordie for the years of music and advise.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Glad you liked that bit of Kiwi entertainment Rickyjack.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Comments left for you on YT, mate! "A one-man welcoming committee", I called you, Pete!

Your friend


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Thank you Bill your a wonderful friend.

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

It's been a busy week back to work - but I was smiling when I saw this one this morning!  Thanks for the "Hello!"  Pete!  I've no clue what all your funny sayings mean, but I have no doubt we've got a bunch of them here too!  In fact, I know we do!  I think that was one of the most fun parts about having Roger here last year - comparing all our odd sayings!  ha ha!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

25 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-22 06:47:12)

Re: New Zealand Greeting .

Gidday Amy that is always lots of fun working out people differant sayings.  Even little things that people say, here in New Zealand we quiet often refer to a guitar as a gat. Cherio when I was growing up here in NZ meant goodbye. Though now days it is not used by the modern generation. My 95 year old Mother always says cherio when saying good bye to me.
Cherio for now.