Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

rickyjack ...... would never think of you as a snob smile  and your very welcome re: this idea for this forum, the initial idea was mine but it was unclejoesband who suggested to the moderators that perhaps we should take this idea on board and create a forum for it.  I am so glad you and other people are enjoying it.  I get a lot of pleasure out of trying to cover these songs as well smile
Love your version of Knocking on heavens doors smile
Your welcome re posting here the link for sound cloud.  All you have to do to post the link here is copy  (high light) the link or url from the top of the soundcloud page and then paste it here  in the comments section.

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

dino48 wrote:

Jandle I cannnot sing that is why I do not post I hope I have not gotten you upset with me,If it did I am sorry

dino48  not at all, you haven`t upset me one bit smile  I was just asking if you were going to post your cover of~ knocking on heavens door~ as you commented you knew it, but there is never ever any pressure to anyone to have to put up a song smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

mekidsmom wrote:

Knockin On Heaven's Door - Backyard Gathering Style: … mp;index=7
Featuring:  Mekidsmom, Uncle Joe's Band, JJJ, Mekidsdad, MekidsGramps and MekidsFamilyFriend (last two are not chordie members).

I got a little goofy toward the end... big_smile

Awesome joint effort from all you Chordie members and extra`s smile    Looks like lots of fun was had by everyone involved in it ..........woohoo  you guys, was wishing i was there joining in with the fun smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Amy, the charming lady I do not know, Jim, Joey, Joe and Mike that was a great version of the song, wishing I had been there to be a part of it, although I did hear my name mentioned at the end big_smile.

Amy, I thought the Axl Rose impression was great.....

Disappointed that the famous bread machine was not a part of though. lol


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

dino48 wrote:

Jandle I cannnot sing that is why I do not post I hope I have not gotten you upset with me,If it did I am sorry

Dino, it is not a competition, and no one is going to put you down if your singing is not perfect but, if you really do not want to sing, I see no reason why you cannot play the song and get a friend or family member to sing for (or with) you. It is all for a bit of fun and to see how different people interpret a song.

It would be a pleasure to hear something from you but no one would take umbrage if you do not.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Here is my version of Dylan's Knocking on Heaven's Door
I added a verse that I wrote b/c I thought there was more to the song than just getting old and not being able to draw fast anymore.
Hope you like it. … door-cover

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

32 (edited by Peatle Jville 2016-08-15 03:27:58)

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Just incase anyone wants to have a listen. I have just put up another version of Knocking On Heavens Door Up On Soundcloud just me and my guitar. Sorry Bob Dylan for not making it the same as yours. … avens-door

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Tigljk ........ great, to see you joining in smile  well done, love the added verse from you and the song suits your voice smile

Peatle ...... so great to see you join in as well smile  You totally made this cover orginal and yours!  smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

OK yet another that I have never heard of but I have done my best. Finger picked Nashville tuned guitar, standard tuning for strumming and lead riffs. No Band-in-a-Box instruments, all me, so there is only me to blame lol


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down


Excellent. - I loved it. Thanks for using the extra verse as well

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Roger,  i like your cover, easy listening and found it relaxing listening to it and as i said on sound cloud, i like the added verse as well smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

It has been a little hectic this month and I have only just had chance to listen to this month's songs. There are some great covers this month. Rickyjack's use of the harmonica, Peatle Jville's unique style of performing it, Jim's personalised verse (which I also used so he would get mentioned in it smile), Amy's Axl Rose impression with the Back Yard Gathering, Mojo's and Joe's offerings are all impressive, Great job by everyone.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Hmmmm.... not much action going on in here!  Where are all those recordings?

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Back now and hoping to get one up soon-ish smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Ok first one of two is up on Sound Cloud  from me .... a bit rushed trying to get this one done as we are nearly at the end of the month and i am fast running out of time to get them both done.

So here is the first one  .....  a real quick take on it. … avens-door

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Nice to hear a guitar from you for a change, Great cover Jan.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Very nice!

I liked the knock you included!

The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

That sounded great, especially for a "quick take".
Love your voice.

Thanks Chordie for the years of music and advise.

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

thought i better enter the`s a quickie of Heaven door

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Roger ....... thanks, i am enjoying re-learning guitar, self taught and ahem i stuck with singing the song in G D and Am ......... didnt have to use that darn F chord wink

Tigljk .......... thanks for that, i thought it needed a little something to make it a little bit different smile

rickyjack ..........  aww thank you, it was a quick take as i knew i was running out of time to get one up before the end of this month.  I hope to get the other song up if i can get some time tonight smile

easybeat ............ great to see you joining in smile   I left comments on sound cloud for you.  You certainly made it your own, completely different, well done smile

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Well, I tried a punk version.  Didn't work out.  I tried to enlist a bass player and drummer.  Didn't work out.  So, I poured myself an absolutely enormous glass of Evan Williams 1783 on the rocks, grabbed my Martin 12 string and whipped this out.  It is not good.  It is not bad.  It just is. … rdies-door

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

zurf, great stuff, had me tapping my feet, playing the drums on the desk top along with you.  Great guitar style there ..... oh how i wish i could play like that smile

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Tigljk .......... i have given up trying to do Six strings down, i was`nt nailing at all sad   Sorry about that sad

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Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Just  found   this  on my  computer  Kev  J and  me  doing   heavens door in some  bar  in Easingwold  near  York .

Re: August 2016 FSOM: Knockin on Heaven's Door -and- Six Strings Down

Grah1 .....Bit hard to hear with all the back ground noise, but that seems to happen when performing live doesn`t it.  Otherwise, looks like your both enjoying it smile

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
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