Topic: how many lives.

How Many Lives?                    Phill Williams.

[Gm] How many lies are you gonna [Bb] tell?
[Gm] How many words from your mouth will [Bb] smell?
[Cm] You lie so well – you like to [F] stir.
[Cm] What you don't know – you make-[Eb] up as you [F] go.

[Gm] How many lives are you gonna [Bb] take?
[Gm] How many smiles on your face are [Bb] fake?
[Cm] Your heart is bad – smile as they [F] die.
[Cm] Turn away as the victims [Eb] family [F] cry.
How many [Gm] lives?

[Gm] How many souls are you gonna [Bb] burn?
[Gm] How long will it take them all to [Bb] learn?
[Cm] You lie so well, you fake and you [F] bluff.
[Cm] Your foot on their throat – till they scream [Eb] “THAT'S [F] ENOUGH”.
How many [Gm] lives?

[Ab] How many [Eb] lives will be [Bb] enough?
[Ab] How much [Eb] blood on your hands and [Bb] faces in your [Cm] dreams?
And the [Ab] look of pain and the [Eb] dying faces [Cm] scream....
[Ab] How many [Bb] lives will be [Eb] enough?

Words & Music by Phill Williams. 15th July 2016.

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

Your song has touched on all the sad elements of the evil that is happening. You have captured all that unnecessary pain very powerful and very moving.

Re: how many lives.

I'm still stuck in the love of Denver, the earthy tones of Lightfoot, the spiritual renewal of over a hundred years of gospel, and the joy and humor of the 40s and 50s. The folks in the homes have agreed about what is happening in the world, as far as the evil that exists in it, and turned right around with smiles on their faces and gratitude for the music they have heard. I think Pete Seeger would have agreed. But thanks anyway...

Re: how many lives.

KevinRK wrote:

I'm still stuck in the love of Denver, the earthy tones of Lightfoot, the spiritual renewal of over a hundred years of gospel, and the joy and humor of the 40s and 50s. The folks in the homes have agreed about what is happening in the world, as far as the evil that exists in it, and turned right around with smiles on their faces and gratitude for the music they have heard. I think Pete Seeger would have agreed. But thanks anyway...

i don't have the remotest clue as to what you're trying to say or to what relevance to my song your post speaks? i'm guessing from your last line that you don't think much of it? that's fair enough but we do have an unwritten rule that states if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything!

if you hadn't actually had so many previous posts i and the rest of the mods here would suspect you of laying the foundations of some spam to be added at some later date.

we do have written rules which are;

no discussions (or arguments) on religious or political themes

and most importantly....PLAY NICE

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

Stong stuff Phill .when youve recorded it will you please postit on my facebook page "songs of health and social security"

Re: how many lives.

sure thing Grah, just let me know how to get it there. at the moment I'm still waiting till my voice is right, hopefully tomorrow night. do you want the edited version?

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

No the full strength version please phil
This link should take you to the page

Re: how many lives.

Another one that rattles the memory banks.

Good one Phill.

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]

9 (edited by KevinRK 2016-07-18 02:34:08)

Re: how many lives.

Phil, You have my apology. I meant no offense, only to suggest that the only way I have been able to cope with the bad in the world is to sing about the love that is there for us to share. The gift of songwriting is one of those forms of love that we have been given, so please accept my apology.

Re: how many lives.

By the way, I don't spam, I sing music to those who don't have much else. I garden, I visit with people, I work part time, and I love my wife. If that bothers any of you, you won't be hearing from me again!!!

Re: how many lives.

Peatle Jville wrote:

Your song has touched on all the sad elements of the evil that is happening. You have captured all that unnecessary pain very powerful and very moving.

Phill ........... Ditto to what Peatle said .......... looking forward to hearing it.

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

Re: how many lives.

Kevin, my apologies I over reacted so once again..sorry. I am the same as you apart from the gardening bit. As I'm threatening 65 the bones don't work as they used to, I'm sure you know what I mean?
The song is meant to show sympathy and solidarity for not only the French who sustained this latest attack but to all victims of this senseless vandalism and murder. I am Christian by the way but I have studied the Muslim religion somewhat and true Muslims abhors and detest the atrocities performed in God's name.
Oh dear, I'm preaching again. Once again apologies for jumping the gun, please continue posting and if you'd like email me through the forum if you'd like to chat.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

Grah1 wrote:

No the full strength version please phil
This link should take you to the page

Sorry got mixed up with another song. This one comes sold as seen, only free! I'll try and get it on later. Will it make any difference cos I'm not on FB?

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

Thanks Jan, you'll find in in my band and me.

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

No Phill its an open page you should be able to post

Re: how many lives.

hi grah, i've never used facebook and though i followed your link i didn't see any button to press that would upload the song, could you help please?

have to say that i feel really honoured to be invited onto your webpage.

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

If youve  uploaded  it  here  Phill  Ill  pick it  up  and post  it .

Re: how many lives.

Ive  picked  it  up  off  sound  cloud  an, d  posted  it  ,Songs  like  this  need  to  be  heard .

Re: how many lives.

Phill Williams wrote:

Thanks Jan, you'll find in in my band and me.

Hi again Phill, i looked in My local band and me and couldnt see this particular song in there?

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

Re: how many lives.

Found it, under bands and artists smile

Laugh Lots ... Forgive Much ...  Love one another     smile
Covers and some Originals found over there    ------- >

Re: how many lives.

Jan, oops I put it down to my age.

Graham, as I said above, I feel so honoured to have a song there and thanks for the endorsement.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: how many lives.

There are two threads on this subject and this is the one I decided to post on, since I didn't remember posting on the other one, my friend. Comments left for you on the Cloud, Phill (of course - it just takes me a little more time nowadays), but I'll tell you here, that song of yours had my attention all the way through and I would not change a thing. As far as I'm concerned, this is just one more example of your very fine musicianship, my friend. Thank you very much for being here on Chordie and sharing your work with us!

Your Friend


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: how many lives.

Thanks you Bill you are a treasure, you say the most wonderful things, I haven't looked on soundcloud yet but I will go there  for a gander.

My love to Dondra, BTW, I was watching one of those science programmes I like and (I Think it was in the Baltic) there was a motor boat named Dondra....I thought I'd let you know.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.