Topic: Interesting Read
Per the suggestion of my son I just finished reading David Teie's book "Human Music". Teie is a cellist, composer, lecturer and Fulbright Scholar who has performed over the world in concert as well as performed with Metallica. His exploration into the emotional side of music led him to studying sounds in the womb of various animals as well as humans, his theory being that the sounds we hear in the womb help determine our taste in music. He has produced species specific music for cats and tamarin monkeys and "Human Music" is the result of his studies on human fetal sounds.
For example, the breathing rate for a mother is about 1/4 of the resting heartbeat, with inhalation being the loudest sound and exhalation slightly quieter, producing a 4/4 time with accents on 1 (inhalation) and 3 (exhalation). This may explain while the development of drums around the world has pretty much followed the same path, while variations in language and how it is heard in the womb has resulted in Asian, African,European, middle eastern (etc) styles of music and melodies.
He also delves into why the angst of youth leads teens to listen to heavy metal, how and why different musical sounds elicit different emotions, etc. How genetics affect our musical appreciation and emotional reactions to music. In all, a pretty interesting read, especially to those who compose and write songs.