Hi Amy and thanks!
Our friend Doug was kind enough to link me from YouTube to a site called "Mp3 Minus One" and I took a look at them. Their library is quite extensive, but their fee is $3.95 a week. I haven't checked it out thoroughly, but I am wondering if one pays $3.95 per song or if it's $3.95 for as many songs as one can download in a week's time? The information they have is a little sketchy, so I'll check it out again. I'm pretty sure it's not the latter, however.
There's another one called "Band Minus One" which is shareware and one pays a one time fee ($20.00, IIRC), but the funny thing is, if you select another section, it turns into "One Man Band", another animal entirely. Gotta check that one out a little more as well.
And here's something I found out on my own: If one isn't careful and downloads some of these from CNet whose service is called "downloads dot com" (spelled out so it wouldn't create a link). What happens with them is - they appear first in the list under "ads", and "FREE" in tall letters and what one must watch for is "crapware" such as toolbars, etc., etc. one definitely doesn't want. An example of this crapware is called sweet pack. Once that one gets into your machine it's as hard to get rid of as snot on one's finger. I had it once and I had to jump through all sorts of hoops to erase/delete it.
So I did as Doug instructed and went directly to the product's website (after seeing it on YouTube) and will download from there once I define exactly what it is I need.
I will look forward to hearing from Roger and finding out about the service he uses and maybe with all of us together investigating it, I can find just the right service.
As always, huge thanks for "looking after me" in this and other matters. Dondra says hi and sends hugs times a million.
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com