Re: Scales - A Primer

jerome.oneil wrote:

Don't let it intimidate you.  It's really not that complicated.  A little practice and a little study, and you'll have a moment of clarity.  Then the sky is the limit!

To someone like me who's never delved into scales, it actually is a bit intimidating. But it doesn't look as complicated as I imagined it would be. A bit like barre chords. When I discovered the finger structure and then realized how easy it was to transfer that structure to any place on the fretboard... and then realized everything was all lined up in neat little rows, it was like a giant floodlight being turned on. It opened up a whole new world of playing for me. I'm guessing it will be the same for scales.

Thank you for taking the time to put this together and share it with those of us that are a little less informed. smile

Yeah, Yeah I know. A newbie breaking out the ancient threads. roll smile

[b]Today Is Only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/b]

Re: Scales - A Primer

lm not getting or seeing any of this

Re: Scales - A Primer

Jerome, I just tought I'd take a look at this thread. I'm so disappointed,  nothing will download. All the work you must have put into this thread and I can't see any of it. It must also be pretty frustrating for your good self.
I hope the problem is sorted soon.

Thick as two short planks

Re: Scales - A Primer

I'm taking a look at the scale images now.   Combination of the image hosting site being radically changed when they switched to a "premium" model, and possibly a switch in the Chordie layout.

I'll either find them, or generate new ones.

Thanks all for the heads up.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Scales - A Primer

Well, Jerome, I started a long journey today by setting down a practice schedule for playing guitar. I've now got a 6-string acoustic/electric, a 12-string acoustic/electric, and a 6-string electric. I'll be dedicating time to each of the guitatrs and divide the sessions into areas of practice. Those areas are scales, chords, arpeggios, songs, theory, & equipment. I'll be trying to cover all the  bases for each of the instruments. Chords is number one on he last. Wish me luck!

Re: Scales - A Primer

Good luck!  smile

Someday we'll win this thing...


32 (edited by neophytte 2017-09-28 01:41:00)

Re: Scales - A Primer

I see it's been over a year since the last update, but came here to find the diagrams unloadable - did they ever get fixed??


-[ Musician, writer, guitarist, singer ]-

Re: Scales - A Primer

It's Really Nice Content...Thanks for sharing us.

Re: Scales - A Primer

I am not able to view images, I've signed up for imageshack.     

Re: Scales - A Primer

This looks like it could be GREAT content but I'd love to have the images too.........the links appear broken.

Can we find this info with images on a different thread or?     

Re: Scales - A Primer

I seem to be having the same trouble as alot of others where those images are concerned. I would give my left nut just to see one of them, to try and at least get the gist. I think I know what you are getting at but just a glimpse could clear it up. any  help would  be greatly appreciated. can you just draw the thing by any chance?     

With a song on my lips.

Re: Scales - A Primer

An excellent review of scale theory!
Peter Drake

Re: Scales - A Primer

This is extremely useful!  Thank you for taking the time to prepare this and share it with us. I just recently started playing guitar and it really helped me.     

Re: Scales - A Primer

Sounds cool! I haven't figured out the scales yet, but now I feel like I should pay more attention to them.