Topic: Chordiestock IV - save the date! - 3/17/16 - 3/20/16
September is here - that means it's only 6 more months to Chordiestock IV. For me, 6 months seems like a long time away to plan a vacation, but for those across the pond or with other obligations, the time may be necessary.
Every single chordiestock has been better than last and I expect the coming year will be no different. The event will be held at my home in Madeira Beach, FL - the same place as last year. Music will be played for at least 18 hours each day. Food, adult beverages, story telling and laughs will be abundant.
I can put up 6 or 8 folks inside plus another 4 or so in a tent if you don't mind camping in the backyard. May have a camper available in the driveway this year as well. There are plenty of hotels and campsites nearby.
Those who have been here can attest to the great time and most make it back. I look forward to this weekend all year!
I'll get around to making a facebook event page eventually, but for now I just wanted to announce the date for those folks who need the time to plan a trip! (I hope Roger and Paul can make a return trip!)
Here's a link to last years thread that should answer most questions and has a bunch of pics.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me or just post 'em here. All chordieans are welcome!