I've been in International Trade area for many decades ... presently more on the consulting end of Trade and Logistics.

I've been playing the guitar many years and with many different types of people...


Im 16 and I started playing when I was 12... I have no job but I grew up around music and I'm kind of a crazy redneckish southerner person lol I wonder what deep psycological meaning that has?

All You Need is Love smile


This site is great, I've only encountered sincere people with a common passion so I don't mind posting info about me.  It is awesome to read about the variety of lives from all over.

I was working for a municipal governmental agency that provides local and federal grant money to non-profits to build affordable housing.  Specifically I acquire land and construct single family homes so, for example, a family of 4 making less than $50k/year can afford to own their own stand-alone home in neighborhoods undergoing gentrification.  I however am sad to say I am no longer in this line of work as of last week.  I resigned because the actual work is the same reason I quit law school after 2 years.  I just can't sink my teeth into the work, but I sure will miss the end result of helping people.

I realize am a data person, a few years ago I was an Assistant Vice President/Analyst with one of the largest banks in the US analyzing a $6 billion portfolio of loans.  The geek that I am, I loved every minute of it, but staying on would have required me to move to Minnesota.  Should've moved....but on to the next adventure.

I have been using guitar and piano as a way to fill a void, answer questions about myself, and it has been rewarding thus far.  Cheers!