Topic: roger whittaker

I searched roger whittaker's last farewell and got a bunch of chords called, 2m, 6m,57 etc. Does anyone know what these stand for?

Re: roger whittaker

Hi nadine2 - That notation is called 'Nashville Numbers' and it indicates chords without specifying a particular key.  So, if you are playing in the key of C, then here are the chords:
1 = C
2m = Dm
3m = Em
4 = F
5 = G
57 = G7 (fifth chord, the seventh)
6m = Am
7 = B
Sometimes roman numerals are used (I, IIm, IIIm, IV, V, V7, VIm, VII).
This system is very useful once you understand the sequence of chords in each key.

Like any notational system, Nashville Numbers have their limitations.  But since most county songs don't use exotic 'jazz' chords this notation conveys the necessary info.

Here is a site that has lots of details on how this system works:

Hope this helps.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: roger whittaker

Hi James,
Thanks so much, how do you know these things? I've never even heard of nashville numbers!

Re: roger whittaker

I've never heard of them refered to as "Nashville Numbers" but they are useful.  They allow you to play the song in any key. 

Study scales, and how they relate to how chords are structured if you want to have a good understanding of why the II is always minor, and the IV and V are major, etc.   It makes sense!

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: roger whittaker

Another notation system uses 'Solfege' or 'Solfeggio' syllables to indicate the notes or chords.  Most people have heard of this system from the 'Doe a deer, a female deer' song from "The Sound of Music".

The notes are Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si (or Ti), Do
Like all the various notational systems, solfege has it's own avid following.

I found a song on chordie notated in Solfege recently.  Just for fun, see if you can translate what is here into what you are used to seeing:
"This Is Us"  Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris … ;id=485133

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: roger whittaker

solfeggio I know!