To clarify:
I, myself, was not planning on using any expletives in my contribution (though I most certainly reserve the right to do so!), nor do or did I think that any other contributor was going to submit an expletive-laden song. However, I would also never deign to tell any artist what they can or cannot include in their art.
(On a personal note, I find it very sad that some potential contributors would even consider quashing free speech in any way, considering what I understand to be the average age of participants How different would this song be, I wonder? )
I also despair of the reaction by some in thinking that the inclusion of a simple sentence
Contributors will be responsible for their own content, regarding "adult material" warning.
would throw the floodgates would open, leading to a deluge of profanity-laden submissions. Had I not included it, I doubt anyone would have noticed or even cared. And here I thought I was being pro-active. Ah, well. As I said, so very sad.
Also, since this endeavour would be hosted on someone's Bandcamp account (or summat), it would not be connected to Chordie in any way other than by name, and would not fall under any guidelines other than Bandcamp's, and they have no such restrictions or limitations or censoring (at least none that I am aware of.).
That said, considering the possibility of censorship of anyone's art (whether by intent or by deed), I will not be participating in this project in any capacity going forward. And as I said previously, no hard feelings. Good luck with the project.
Edited to add: Since I am withdrawing from this effort, I will also be withdrawing from this thread - if anyone wishes to continue a discussion (though I think my position's pretty clear, y'know?), you can email me, and I will try to return communication next week after I get out of hospital (going in for a spinal procedure on Weds.).
We can beat them just for one day
We can be heroes just for one day
RIP Bowie