Topic: How Do You Store Your CD's?
I have mine in one of those large cd wallets which can be found at Wal-Mart for about $10 bucks.
They're in alphabetical order....... Now.
Before, during my hard drinking days they could be found any which way pretty much in the order in which they were bought.
Over the last weekend and ending today, I alphabetized them and by the time I finished, my back was screaming at me.
As I write, all of them are stacked on my bed topped by an index card with the letter of the alphabet which will represent the artists' last name, group name (foregoing the "The" of course) and, in the case of collections, the first letter of the collection's title. If there are "liner notes" available, they go into one of the empty sleeves of one of the 4 segments which make up a page.
Just a tad OCD, am I.
Gotta get 'em off the bed before bed time or it's the couch for the "German Boy" tonight.
Just curious; how do y'all store your cd's?
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com