1 (edited by Strummerboy Bill 2015-07-24 22:26:29)

Topic: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Or is that one very excellent work the zenith of his career.

I loved hearing both Simon and Garfunkel during my high school years, but then they split and I went with Paul, thinking Art had gone into acting and releasing only the occasional single. All were good, but not up to the duo's work before. In short, I was disappointed that they split up.

I paid attention to Paul's work only sporadically after that, but enjoyed listening to his stuff enough to buy the "Greatest Hits" recording.

Then came "Graceland" and I was knocked on my German Arsch! I had never heard Zydeco before, or maybe I did and just didn't know that was what it was called. Since buying the first vinyl, I have worn out three cd's of what I call his "masterpiece" and the last time I remember getting that excited was when The Beatles released "Sgt. Pepper".

Sadly, The Beatles are no more, so every now and then I wonder about Mr. Simon: Can he do it again?

What does the Forum think?



PS: I have always been smugly proud of the fact that I knew what Paul was singing about with the lyrics, "The Mississippi Delta was shining like a National guitar." I bet y'all were too, weren't you? wink

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

2 (edited by Tenement Funster 2015-07-24 23:52:51)

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Bill, you've asked a question I've often wondered about.

His follow-up album (The Rhythym of the Saints) was a further attempt to capitalize on his use of another culture's musical stylings, but the song writing itself wasn't (IMHO) nearly as good. Tracks like "African Skies" and "The Boy in the Bubble" are simply iconic, and it would be hard to imagine Mr. Simon doing anything to top them. If he was to make another attempt, I'd like to hear him try something with ancient Celtic elements.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Paul Simon is a great songwriter and guitarist also,I have not heard his latest.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

I think he has it in him but don't know whether he will do it or not.

You can see all my video covers on [url]http://www.youtube.com/bensonp1000[/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

There's a bazillion musicians who would give some very personal and important body bits to have just two of the songs from Graceland to their credit. Paul Simon wrote the album thirty years into an exceptional career.

Some guys get all the luck.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Well, I guess he could have mine. It's the only one of my appendages I can't get arthritis in. wink


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

Well, I guess he could have mine. It's the only one of my appendages I can't get arthritis in. wink


big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile At this stage of life, Bill, whatever doesn't hurt, doesn't work.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

I've heard a ton about him stealing material from up and comers.   This article changed my opinion of him and I've had a hard time enjoying his music since.

http://ultimateclassicrock.com/los-lobo … land-snub/

http://www.jambase.com/Articles/9391/LO … EVE-BERLIN

9 (edited by Strummerboy Bill 2015-07-25 13:56:25)

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Damn! I sure didn't know that, BGD.

"Sue me and see what happens" ???!!!! What a penile thing to say, especially since they were helping him out.

I have to admit he comes across as kinda strange when I've seen him on SNL, and now I'm thinking that maybe ol' Art knew a thing or two way back then. If I remember correctly, that split wasn't really an amicable one anyway.

A quote which I believe belongs to that Grand Central Park live album attributed to Simon: "So, Artie. You've come crawling back." It was funny then but not so funny now that I have read what you linked me to, BGD.




ETA: And if I said "I don't like coming in second to Dylan", would I expect a collaboration with the man? Not really.

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Yeah I was bummed. I haven't been able to listen to him since. I have a hard time supporting dbags.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Paul did a lot of great work well before Los Lobos,and Los Lobos has copyed a lot of other players stuff also.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

i didn't want to read the link before adding my 5 pennorth. i bought the 25th anniversary CD last year and it's near the top of my play list and i cant understand why i didn't buy it at the time. i must say though that each time i listen to it, visions of him jamming with those great musicians and using their performances and claiming the writing plaudits does rankle. but once i get past that i can settle back and enjoy some of the best music of my generation.

i've read stories of lennon getting stuck for a word or line and whoever happened to be there chipping in with something but never getting so much as a nod. i guess all writers pinch stuff from others, some get away with it, some don't...eg george harrison and "my sweet lord"

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Phill Williams wrote:

i didn't want to read the link before adding my 5 pennorth. i bought the 25th anniversary CD last year and it's near the top of my play list and i cant understand why i didn't buy it at the time. i must say though that each time i listen to it, visions of him jamming with those great musicians and using their performances and claiming the writing plaudits does rankle. but once i get past that i can settle back and enjoy some of the best music of my generation.

i've read stories of lennon getting stuck for a word or line and whoever happened to be there chipping in with something but never getting so much as a nod. i guess all writers pinch stuff from others, some get away with it, some don't...eg george harrison and "my sweet lord"

George Harrison got sued by the chiffions  and payed them acool million dollars.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Back in the Maestro Beethoven's day, it was considered a compliment to the original composter to steal a little of his work and work it into your own.


Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Does Paul simon have another Gracelands in him?
Great question.
I often wonder if  the greatest writer, Paul Mccartney
has got a great song left in him?
I`ve spent a lot of time thinking about this,the only answer i`ve
come up with, is many of his great songs were about every day subjects.
I think he now lives a less than humble life(& good on him he`s earned it)
also he does everything himself with out arrangers & song writing partner to bounce off.
So no i don`t think he`s got another great song coming.
Don`t know if this applies to Paul simon.
look forward to your opinion.

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

Back in the Maestro Beethoven's day, it was considered a compliment to the original composter to steal a little of his work and work it into your own.


OMG!!!!! big_smile big_smile big_smile

I just reread this ^ post just before composing an answer to easybeat's reply. Starting with the word "it", this thing sounds gross as hell! smile

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Fender GDO300 Orchestral - a gift from Amy & Jim
Rogue Beatle Bass
Journal: www.wheretobud.blogspot. com

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

easybeat wrote:

Does Paul simon have another Gracelands in him?
Great question.
I often wonder if  the greatest writer, Paul Mccartney
has got a great song left in him?
I`ve spent a lot of time thinking about this,the only answer i`ve
come up with, is many of his great songs were about every day subjects.
I think he now lives a less than humble life(& good on him he`s earned it)
also he does everything himself with out arrangers & song writing partner to bounce off.
So no i don`t think he`s got another great song coming.
Don`t know if this applies to Paul simon.
look forward to your opinion.

i have Pauls recent CD "New" on it is a track called "On my way to work" give it a listen i think it ranks up there with his best work...IMHO

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?


Tried to find that album and song - not successful in either case ????


The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

Thanks Phill

I`ve been so disappointed in his stuff nowadays
i only give it one listen.
I`ll give` new` another listen

The King Of Audio Torture

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

IMO, Paul has shot has wad.

That said, it was one HELL of a wad.


We can beat them just for one day
We can be heroes just for one day

RIP Bowie

21 (edited by TIGLJK 2015-08-06 10:39:44)

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?


Wrong Paul !!! smile

New and the Song On my way to Work are Paul McCartney's = not Paul Simon's .

It is a good song, nice easy listening music - weird lyrics though, I  thought.


The price of anything, is the amount of life you exchange for it.   - H.D. Thoreau
Your vision is not limited by what your eye can see, but what your mind can imagine.
Make your life count, and the world will be a better place because you tried.
"Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except only the the best." - Henry Van Dyke

Re: Does Paul Simon Have Another "Graceland" In Him?

sorry i guess i'd gone off on one.
i don't think they're odd at all. it's a story of a fella going off to work (i think he's not running on a full tank, if you know what i mean?) and the story tells of his day; picking up after others, looking at "glamour" photos in the daily paper etc. i think it's as good as elinor rigby in that it tells a tale and has a good melody. lets be fair, after nearly 60 years of song writing, he must be having difficulty finding new themes, musical and verbal.

as for paul simon; i bought one of his recent CDs and though the musicianship was top notch, the songs don't really hit the spot. i tried to find it but it'd buried deep amongst the other "also ran CDs"

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.