Topic: Surgery tomorrow
Gonna be outta packet for a couple of days due to my surgery, tomorrow. Per the Doctor, things should be simple in fixing the 2 hernia' on my stomach. The surgery is planned to be done robotically(sp) with no more than 4 small incisions. But, he said that due to the cause of the hernia's being from a pervious surgery and the amount of scar tissue that may need to be removed things could get complicated. If that happens he would have a "team" ready to "open me up. In 2012 I had major surgery that left me with a 15" scar from my breastbone to below the navel. The muscle tissue around the navel has seperated and about 1 1/2" above my navel the muscle tissue has seperated about 4" under the scar. In both of these places the only thing holding my "gut's" in is the skin on my stomach. If everything happens as simple as the Doctor thinks it will I could be in and aut of the hospital in the same day - my fingers are crossed. Regardless of if this surgery is simple or complicated I'm gonna have to wear a damn girdle for several weeks.
And to add to that I gonna gave 5 rows of sweet corn ready to pick and put up this weekend. Gotta be picked, shucked, silked, cut off the cobb, cobb scrapped to get all the juice, blanched. packaged and put in the freezer. Anybody wanna help (on halves?). Gonna be about 1000 ears (+ / -)