Topic: For TIGLJK
I have been following your songwriting tread with interest. I hope that it gets completed as, to the best of my knowledge, it has only been done once before (albeit slightly differently) in 2008.
It started here:
and finished here:
and the finished song is still on Myspace if you follow the link.
OK it was my idea, which is why it comes to mind; it was fun to do but a lot of work and much private communication to get everything together.
Good Luck, I have my finger crossed for another Chordie collaboration.
P.S. There is also a third post, a very long one, explaining the ins and outs of getting it done:
and if you read that you are a real glutton for punishment
** I just noticed that the second link listed was the same as the first.... 'Senior Moment'. I have amended it now **