Hi Doc, haven't heard from you in awhile! Good to know you're still out there kicking & hope all is well with you.
On to Hozier... this is the first time I've heard the tune, looked it up on Youtube. Was not sure about it at first, so I would recommend that interested (curious) folk also check out the interview on it as well. Performance Art (such as music) has always been a forum for commentary on political and social issues, and the motivation/message is not always transparent. Which is why I recommend the interview. Would I buy the album? not on the merit of this one tune.... but it is not my preferred genre, I'd have to sample the other work on the CD first.
But Thanks for Sharing, and keep in touch. I know Lena was asking about you awhile back, and we were concerned by your absence here on the forums.
Take Care;
"what is this quintessence of dust?" - Shakespeare