Topic: Back in the hospital
In mid December I went to M D Anderson Hospital for my 3 month check-up and was told I had some fluid on my lungs and the beginnings of phenumonia. Well, things just kept getting worse so now I'm in the hospital in my home town. Don't feel bad just very hard to breath with all the fluid. Having a lotta bloodwork done, test ran and so on. Also having issues with my crietion (sp) level due to my kidney fuction and since I only have the one left they are watching that closely. Looks like I'll be here for a few more days and will miss our New Year's party where my wife and I were to be playing music with friends. That sucks. This phenumonia is a non-bactrial type that doesn't respond well to antibiotics, although they are giving them to me anyway. If any of ya'll are feeling generious please send me something to eat as the food here just ain't what I was getting at home.