Topic: Been away for a few day's
getting my 3 month check-up at M D Anderson Hospital in Houston, Tx. Got some good reports BUT was told that I have fluid on my lungs and "non-infectious" phenumonia. This is some of the side affects of the cancer medicine I'm taking so now I have to stop taking it for 2 to 3 weeks and let everything clear. Now I know why I've been feeling so bad. I suspected this since I've had a cough for a couple of months that just won't go away. I had phenumonia last year so I kinda know the systems. I take a flu shot every year and I took a phenumonia shot in 2012 (good for 5 years) but it is for a bactarial phenumonia and not what I have.
I have to be real careful since I've had my spleen removed and have a reduced immune system. Anyway, gonna be sitting here in the house for a few days, taking it easy, drinking plenty of fluids and trying to stay out of my wife's way. If she thinks I'm getting better she'll find something for me to do.