Topic: putting together a good song

hi there, 've written and played about 4 songs i'm fairly happy with but i'm running out of ideas! would anyone care to share their ideas of how to think of lyrics, or a few lines?

i need new material!


thanks all!

Re: putting together a good song

I get some songs when I'm mowing the yard.

Some times it's life that gives me ideas.

Just keep thinking... I've heard that a writer gets his best ideas when he's daydreaming.

Good luck.

Re: putting together a good song

just leave ur mind open and dont be afraid to put some killer solos, catchy riffs, and whatever your feeling into your songs
pour yourself out into the lyrics

Re: putting together a good song

hi blind

I tihnk after I wrote 4 songs I never wrote anything for about 2 years after.

that was about 14 years ago, now in the past 12 years I still only hve about 20-24.

think of yur life experiences, splitting up, moving house, walking thru the streets, etc

I sometimes sit with the guitar an make lyrics andmusic together. I find when I sit and type down lyrics first it is sometimes harder to get the music to fit.
Also I find it easier to get a tune first then sit and put lyrics to it.

Dont throw any of your lyrics out or delette them.
I have got probably about 60 verses that I have not turned a song out of but I keep going back to them and sometimes new lyrics to add on just come spilling out, even after 3 years.

good luck


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: putting together a good song

the best advice i can give you is just write, a bad song makes your next one better

i wrote 12 songs in 2 months, started writing a year later and they was crap. i would give you a few lines but dont know where my book is, and always make sure you have paper and pen with you to write something that you like the sound of.

remember paper and pen