Topic: A few hours busking, sort of... … 2014-07-14
So, per the link above, every Monday folks can set up at no charge to sell thier crafts and what not. I went down last year once (or was it the year before?) and didnt know too many songs then. So my 9 year old dance queen went down with me last night. There were a total of three other people set up to sell their junk. It was overcast and drizzle on and off. We made $4 and had an AWESOME time! Honestly, I don't think we would have made anything if it wasn't for Stephs amazing dance skills. She has been known to bring people to tears. She even stopped and sang a few with me, and attempted to play her ONE song (Tom Dooley because its only two simple chords). When someone tried to sell us their junk, and asked our names, she thought it was because they were admiring us (I know it was all about the sale), she felt famous. Lol!!! She can't wait for next Monday.
So, all you upstate NYers... if you are up for a drive some Monday, want to jam for a bit and see a beautiful sunset and walk around in a quaint old town with a teenie tiny amusment park remiscient of Coney Island, come on over! We are planning to go every Monday if the weather is nice. I hear there was a magician there once, and when the weather is nice a lot more people show up. But we don't care about that, it's just plain fun and some awesome bonding time!
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.