Topic: any ideas.. alterd scales??

hi ya , any tips on playing out like mike stern or scofield either with scales of arpeggios.....
thanks people.

Re: any ideas.. alterd scales??

I think you're talking modal music here.

This is going to be very simplistic

The difference between modal music and diatonic music is that in diatonic music the solo notes follow the chords, but conversely in modal music the notes of the scale that you choose, be it lydian, phyrgian et cetera determine the harmonies that you are trying to achieve. Simply put  you invent the harmonies from the way you play the scale.

I was going to explain some more but it's too late and I'm knackered. I'll try again tomorrow.

sorry for now


Re: any ideas.. alterd scales??

There's a rather technical but quite detailed explanation here.

There's an explanation of musical modes here.

I hope this helps


Re: any ideas.. alterd scales??

Yeah you're definetly in mode territory. A simple trick I like to use as well is to analyze the notes in the chords you are playing and then compare them the the major/minor scale that the song is based on. If you find any notes in a chord that aren't in that scale, play that note with that chord and it will give an awesome but different sound. For example in the progression Am G F E, you would solo in Am but an E chord contains an Ab which isn't in the Am scale. Therfore play an Ab when you get to the E chord and you will get an exotic but interesting sound. Hope this helps