Topic: I have a fast right hand.

That's right, some people say I have the fastest right hand in all of England. I can play Peppermint Rag (Anyone ever heard that?) in about 30 seconds. And I'm only 13. I can't get in a band though. tut. I can stum the same note about 20 times a second as well. I don't think I'll ever achieve anything with playing guitar though. Does anyne else have a really cold, aching, stiff but suprisingly quick strumming hand?

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: I have a fast right hand.

You want to be careful that it doesn't drop off, ooh err missus smile

Re: I have a fast right hand.

Yes thankyou I'm sure that won't happen. I like you you're funny/cool/both acmecorp

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: I have a fast right hand.

Try telling that to my kids ...



Re: I have a fast right hand.

why say you cannot get in a band?
Why not say you cannot find anyone to be in your band? Makes you feel better, they are not good enough for you.

20 strums a second eh? lol, have you tried to audition with slayer or anhrax? I am sure that will impress them.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: I have a fast right hand.

acmecorp wrote:

Try telling that to my kids ...



Hi David's kids!

You're Dad is awesome, so don't take take that for granted.
Follow in his footsteps.


don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

7 (edited by acmecorp 2007-07-24 09:51:24)

Re: I have a fast right hand.

Hi Will, I'll show my son when he gets in from school, he'll probably think I faked it.

Now being a 'young person', you can probably help with my Bebo problem.
How in God's name do I get to be Ken's friend on Bebo?

(I'm on there as acmecorp unsurprisingly)



Re: I have a fast right hand.

No I'm afraid I can't help you I don't know a thing about it. Ask someone who's young and wise, not just young.  (Hi again David's son, THE THING I WROTE IS NOT FAKE!)


PS: D'you believe in ghosts?

don't ever stand aside, don't ever be denied
you gotta be who you be if you're comin' with me

Re: I have a fast right hand.

I think I'll have to start a new thread ...

I never did, but when I was working as a carpenter on a house renovation, the owner of the house and myself stopped for a cup of tea.
We were sitiing in the kitchen, (the house had been gutted and was therefore full of echoes), we both heard footsteps coming from the living room.
I shouted "Hi, we're in the kitchen", and the owner went to see who was there.

No one.

I have no explanation.

The truth is out there Scully!

Re: I have a fast right hand.

That's great that you have a fast right hand, now you need to work on your left and bring it up to speed. Playing 20 notes a second is impressive but not so much if all 20 are the same note.