Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

acmecorp wrote:

Did I misunderstand the original question?

I thought the complaint was that tabs were only for people who don't really understand music.

Maybe i've had one too many glasses of wine smile



It looks like I misread his silly stupid original post. I thought he was complaining about having tabs and nt what chords. Now I see he i anting actual sheet music, a page that "real" musicians will understand.

What a complete numpty welcometmyhead is. I know some numpties that hve said nicer things than he has done.

As mentioned about John Lennon, also Paul Macca did not understand any sheet music at all through the 60', I dont even know if he does now.
He did not know sheet music but still managed to write songs on the piano,guitar, bass.
When I started off, I did not have a clue apart from the little i got taught in school

but looking onthe positive side, ye have got a lot of

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Hi welcometomyhead,
I came to this thread today to see what you had to say in answer to all your replies????? Nothing!  I dont read music either! My Niece who plays the Concert Harp, In the Neatherlands, is dislexic, never stopped her?
Its a well known fact to some people on this site, when i came to it i was trying to keep tabs on not losing my mind? 5 awful tragedys in 22 months!
No one  questioned my ability on music skills? But all of them recognised my passion for Guitar and music,and interacting with my fellow human beings! I ofton felt i asked the most stupid questions? But recieved gems of tips to help me along! and have improved greatly!
I do believe we all connect in life for a reason! lifelessons in all connections!
You! have been given a harvest full here! how lucky are you!
If you posed the question wrong! Say so! If your feelings are as we read, then i would rather have my own crazy head any day!    At the risk of sounding unchristian to you. Quote "Your Ulcers will not be from what you are eating? But whats eating you?"  end off.
Welcometomyhead you will be included in the candle i light every morning in thanksgiving for every member of the Chordie Site. "May God hold you all in the palm of his Hands"  because you all deserve it!
Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Ive got no intention of learning how to read music, thankfully, that doesn't stop me learning guitar.All chordians have a passion for music whether they can actually read sheet music or not , it is not important for participation on this site. I think personally you are a bit too smug.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

I CAN read music, I CAN transpose, I CAN tell you who wrote what and how they wrote it but I CAN'T write a decent song, I CAN'T move people to tears (the good kind!)with my playing, I CAN'T just pick up any old song and play it immediately without sucking, I CAN'T read or even play tabs all that well..notice how the CAN'T list is longer than the CAN list welcometomyhead?
How many pieces of paper you have saying you know all the theory doesn't make a great musician...PASSION for the music does!
If you have to rely on a score sheet to make music for you then perhaps you need a new hobby.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

upyerkilt wrote:

As mentioned about John Lennon, also Paul Macca did not understand any sheet music at all through the 60', I dont even know if he does now.
He did not know sheet music but still managed to write songs on the piano,guitar, bass.

I'm pretty sure Hendrix never read a score either, so I guess he was probably not much of 'real' guitar player  smile

By the way I'd really like to see somebody notate Voodoo Chile or Purple Haze ...

(I'm going to shut up on this topic now and try to write a tab for Beethoven's ninth symphony)



Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Hi welcome2myhead - Did you know that you can select 'chords only' up at the top of an artist's index page?  While the sifting tool does not work flawlessly, it allows you to eliminate most of the tabs from the selections.  For some artists when you eliminate the tabs, there is not much left.

It seems to me that some artists inspire their fans to 'tab out' a song - other artists inspire their fans to work out the chords.  Maybe the prevalence of tabs for some artists is merely a reflection of the style of play of the fans who are motivated to learn the songs.

Either way it is amazing to me how much stuff is available on the net.

I'm an old guy so I can remember when the only way to get a song was to buy a songbook for an artist.  It was expensive and you would end up with books full of songs that you really didn't want.

Seems to me that unless you contribute to the wealth of songs on the net by tabbing or chording out some songs yourself, then you have no complaint.  Sites like chordie exist because individuals who love to play have taken the time and effort to transcibe songs and put them up on the web for other players to access.

Tabs are great for describing licks and riffs and nifty embellishments.  Chords grids are great for sketching out a song's skeleton.  I don't find tabs to be particularly useful myself, but if that is what other players find useful then more power to them.

A good tab for a song is a better starting place than nothing at all - like upyerkilt said, you can always move it into your songbook and edit the song to your liking.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

i rad music and i use tabs both are a great way to read music halverson

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

welcome2myhead wrote:

why is it that every song i look at on this site has those stupid tabs? has no one here studied music at all? People need to REALLY learn how to play the guitar

I notice that on other sites - you tube - is just one example ... that the ones who make the stupidest comments are usually the ones who cannot play an instrument or sing or contribute anything decent at all ..... sad losers mostly .To complain about a music hobby site is very sad indeed .

any resemblance to my songs sounding anything like the original is highly unlikely.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

its unfortunate you have no website where we can listen to your prowess and expertise on guitar,or a video we can watch as you dazzle us with your ability to shred Mel bay book 1 perhaps in the not to distant future you can provide samples of your outstanding abilities smile

welcome2myhead wrote:

why is it that every song i look at on this site has those stupid tabs? has no one here studied music at all? People need to REALLY learn how to play the guitar

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

If I might add a little historical perspective here . . .

Tabs or tablature is not a modern invention.  Various forms of 'tab' notation have been used for centuries.  Renaissance and Baroque composers for the lute, archlute, vihuela, theorbo and other guitar precursors used several forms of tablature to convey their music on parchment or paper.

I support anything that helps people make music.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

James McCormick wrote:

I support anything that helps people make music.

good words


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Hello welcome2myhead,
Wow you really opened a can of worms! I see you been a member for nearly 3 years and have only made two posts. I am just curious as to what the other one was.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

this thread was started in July last year,
welcometomyhead probably doesnt even come in here anymore since he/she has not posted anything else.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

I wish I could read music fluently, but, I can't.  There is just a disconnect from eye to brain to fingers.  But, put a letter note down and I can figure out pretty fast which fret to press on which string to get the note.  Same with finger picking chords.

I'm playing music, I don't care how, it's good enough that I can make a decent tune with my skill level as it is.  Maybe someday with practice and more practice the neurons will connect in the old brain.  But, until then I'm going to enjoy the music no matter how I come to make it.

Rock on Chordie!

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

I wish I could read music too. I play by ear and they are starting to get sore!

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

deadstring wrote:

I wish I could read music too. I play by ear and they are starting to get sore!

But then again, I have seen and heard that playing by ear is a rare skill unto itself. 


"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

deadstring wrote:

I play by ear and they are starting to get sore!


Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

ozymandias wrote:
deadstring wrote:

I wish I could read music too. I play by ear and they are starting to get sore!

But then again, I have seen and heard that playing by ear is a rare skill unto itself. 


Thanks for the Smiley Zurf! A lot of folks don't get my sense of humor but if not for it I would have no sense at all.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

That's a rather odd statement. I can read music but not very well. Tabs are a excellent because they are easy to learn and always easy to read.

Its not about how you read but how you play. Think you should probably learn that

The problem with the world is people having lack of commen sense...and warning labels. So if we remove warning labels the problem will fix itself.

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Thank you James ...
You took the words right out of my mouth , I have also read that tablature is the oldest form of written music ..
Since the person who started this thread is no longer around , I can only assume that he must have found a website used by " REAL musicians ", L O L .... I rarely use tab myself , rather work stuff out on my own , but I still respect any means to communicate music ........

" Just reading the lyrics , it's hard to hear the song , but if the words tug at the's enough for now........... "

46 (edited by Headcase 2009-01-20 17:39:33)

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Hey welcome2myhead, you must think that everyone that does not read music is stupid,
that makes you an Idot!
I can read music and have a good grounding in music theory, but I still have to play the Guitar, the theory and music won't play it for me.
I see that you are a member from 2006, and this is you second post, if you feel so strong,
about this where is your rebuttle of the posts you got mostly against you?
Also you say that all the songs you see have Tab, I find that hard to beleive, of the thousands of songs on Chordie most are done in chords.
The people on Chordie are a mixed bunch, but they will try and help when they can, but they will not stand by and let someone call them stupid. Another thing everyone is hear for different reasons, myself I am 63, and playing (the Guitar) about a year and a half, I doubt if I will ever play the Guitar as a profesion, but weither I play by Chords or Tab or Music, I don't care, the
reason I play is for the enjoyment I get from it. I played at my church on Christmas Eve,
Silent Night and Who's Child Is This, I'm not sure how anyyone thought about it but I felt Great.
Perhaps you should have a look at your manners?

Re: Does nobody know what a chord is?

Hi welcome2myhead,

If you find a site that suits you go there and speak to yer mates.... cos you aint got any on this site.

By the way...your first name isnt Dick, not welcome2my,  by any chance is it ?

If its too loud yer too old.