Topic: Insult to Injury.

My wife applied for a handicapped placard with the RMV. Her doctor sent a letter explaining that she can`t walk long distances and needs a wheelchair. She hasn`t driven her car since August. She can`t. This weekend, she got a letter from the RMV. It wasn`t the handicapped placard. It was a letter ordering her to turn in her drivers license within 10 days. Is that a kick in the you know whats or what? We try to do the right thing and it bites us back. The time left on her license will outlast her. And now she has to go to get a state issued ID. Should have left well enough alone.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Insult to Injury.

Yup, that bites all the way around, JJJ. We live in a heartless bureaucracy in Canada also, and it really reduces the value of "citizenship" IMHO.

Re: Insult to Injury.

WTH!  Plenty of folks in wheelchairs also drive with appropriate changes to the vehicle.  Stupid how they just do that.  Even if she's NOT driving, she should still qualify for a handicap tag.  I don't understand why they just IGNORED that request.  Ugh... people can usually get temp. tags even for temp disabilities in NY.  I'm ranting for you.  I'm sorry.  The world is just not fair sometimes.  GRR!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Insult to Injury.

Some days you just can't win for losing.

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Insult to Injury.

That just pisses me off Joey. It's not right

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Insult to Injury.

Besides being rude, it's also illegal.

Send them a letter reminding them that the States are bound to the Americans with Disabilities Act and it's prohibition against discrimination based on disabled status.  Then copy your state representative and the director of the DMV.

Unless they can demonstrate that your wife's handicap somehow impairs her ability to operate the vehicle safely, they're violating the law.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Insult to Injury.

Sounds like discrimination to me. There must be info on the internet to help you fight back...

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: Insult to Injury.

somethings really not right,I see a lot of people in ca. driving and they are in wheel chairs,you should check it out further.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Insult to Injury.

Sorry to hear this JJJ. For all our governments "good intentions" they are still some of the biggest screwups on the planet. Hopefully they get it right and don't cause you and your wife anymore grief. Hang in there

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: Insult to Injury.

jerome.oneil wrote:

Unless they can demonstrate that your wife's handicap somehow impairs her ability to operate the vehicle safely, they're violating the law.

I agree. On what grounds did they determine that she has to give up driving? Something's not right here.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Insult to Injury.

zguitar wrote:
jerome.oneil wrote:

Unless they can demonstrate that your wife's handicap somehow impairs her ability to operate the vehicle safely, they're violating the law.

I agree. On what grounds did they determine that she has to give up driving? Something's not right here.

I don`t know, but I think the fact that she is dying has to figure in there somewhere. Probably s to do with if something happens while she is behind the wheel. She still hasn`t driven since august. Plus we use my car because the chair wont fit in hers. Also the constant pain may figure in there too. All in all, we still should have left well enough alone.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

12 (edited by dino48 2013-12-17 19:52:20)

Re: Insult to Injury.

jjj, it may have something too do with the medicine she is taking in some states doctors and pharmcist's are required too report some people who use certain drugs that  may impair driving.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Insult to Injury.

dino48 wrote:

jjj, it may have something too do with the medicine she is taking in some states doctors and pharmcist's are required too report some people who use certain drugs that  may impair driving.

That must be it. She is on megadoses of painkillers. Thanks Dino. Forgot all about that.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

14 (edited by dino48 2013-12-19 01:40:58)

Re: Insult to Injury.

jjj,,I do not know if you did this or not but if your wife worked she is eligible for social security disability money. You should call the nearest social security office and ask about it she may be eligible for other things. It may help you if you have not done it already. They take that money out of all peoples paychecks every month. If so it will retroactive from the time she could not work,so that could help you out at this time. Trout and you and the rest of your family may be able too get some assitance also.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Insult to Injury.

The Placard came in the mail today.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Insult to Injury.

Our government at it's finest!!!!

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Insult to Injury.

government is showing its  " smarts " first they take away her lic then they give her a placard. no wonder weare in debt by the Trillions and they can not run anything right. Well at least you can use it when you take her out with you.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Insult to Injury.

They musta read this thread. big_smile

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: Insult to Injury.

Joey, you do need to check out filing to Social Security Disability for your wife. This is something she IS DUE if she has worked and paid into the system. Also, if she has worked and had taken out a "Short term" or "Long Term" insurance policy thru her workplace she is due money as well. Human Resources, thru her workplace, should help with this if she was covered. These policies normally pay 60% of her salary until age 65 (offset by any monies paid by Social Security Disability). With the Social Security Disability you will need to make an appointment with your local SS office and discuss this with them. They will help you fill out the forms and tell you what information you need to provide. ( ie; letter from doctor discribing her condition, letter from employeer stating last day worked, social security number) There is  90 day waiting period before you can draw anything and usually you will be turned down the 1st time. If so, you hire a lawyer and sue them (this is very common and the lawyer gets paid a percentage of the settlement) This money is due her (and you) and , like me, is needed for medical bills. I have stage 4 kidney cancer and was told that under no condition should I return to work. I also have had 2 heart stints (1 heart attack), diabetes and a few other ailments. If there is anything I can do to help you with this do not hesitate to contact me. I know we don't know each other but we are still "Brothers thru Chordie".


Re: Insult to Injury.

We have been looking at all that. We did have another setback. Her father passed away this morning. 2 days before Xmas. Obviously 2013 hasn`t been a banner year in the Joey household.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

21 (edited by dino48 2013-12-22 20:11:58)

Re: Insult to Injury.

jjj I am really sorry too hear about her father,this is tough for all of you. I hope you will read Nelas post above and mine also,I also found out after that I did not have too use a lawyer I only needed to have one or two good strong letters from my doctors. But I had already got a lawyer and they can only charge up too a certain point. T he faster you get going the faster she will start getting paid,as nela pointed outthe waiting period. Her pay will be retroactive from her doctors determining date. I am also avalible too talk too if you want too talk about things. Feel free to e-mail me.. I do have a different mail now so if you do want to contact me post it here and I will send it too your e-mail box.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

22 (edited by joeyjoeyjoey 2013-12-22 20:25:39)

Re: Insult to Injury.

@NELA and Dino. She is on disability and still very much employed. We have to wait until that is over first. Thanx for all the help and support. All the good wishes and kind words really do help.  You can`t tell from there but they do. Thnx again to everyone there.  On the plus side. I have got to playing again to calm my nerves when I have too much time on my hands. Me and too much time is not a good combination sometimes.

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.

Re: Insult to Injury.

good to hear that jjj I hope things can start getting better for you and the family soon.Playing and listning too music is very positive.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman