Topic: NHD/NSD

So my birthday was last week (actually on Thanksgiving this year). My wife got me a new harmonica. I've been wanting to learn for a while and so my harmonica journey begins. So far I'm diggin it. Hohner Special 20. NHD
It's a Japanese Shamisen

I have wanted one forever. Since it was my birthday I decided to treat myself. I sorta stumbled on it at the right time. I check on them periodically on ebay, but hadn't done so in a while. Last week I just decided to check out what was up for auction. Lo and behold there was like 10 of them for a price I could handle. Looks like had they all gotten wet at some point. I jumped on one. $160 included shipping from Japan. A decent one can't be touched for under $400 and new is $800 and up into the $2000's. Both skins are torn so it cannot be played at the moment. I did find a place I can send it to that can re-skin it for a reasonable price. I really only wanted it just to have. If I ever get to play it that will be a plus. It will look very cool hanging on my wall. NSD

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad you got a harmonica and a late Happy Birthday. That is a strange looking insterment,I have seen them in movies.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman


Wrangler Jane was playing "Home on the range" with one of those on an episode of "F Troop" last week.  On MeTV

Enjoy Every Sandwich
Nothing In Moderation  -- Live Fast. Love Hard. Die Young And Leave A Beautiful Corpse. -- Buy It Today. Cry About It Tomorrow.


The shamisen appears to be a 3 stringed instrument so it would be ideal for Seasick Steve numbers lol.

Seriously, I would think that the shamisen will have an interesting sound being skinned, something akin to a banjo I guess. It would be interesting to hear it when it is re-skinned.

Have fun with the harmonica, I could never get to grips with one, so I stick to what I know - playing guitar badly.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"