Topic: Not another barre question!
Yep, another barre question, and of course, it's about the dreaded Bm. I'm an acoustic player, and I'm interested in how other people have developed their barre ability on this chord. When I started, I would need at least a beat to get my fingers into position. Moreover, I had to put the Am shape down first and then apply the barre. Of course, it was a long time before my barre finger could really set in across the fret board.
Over a long time, I got to the point that if I could more or less do my two-step approach in time--but just barely. Then I noticed that accomplished players put their barre finger down just before they applied the Am shape, and I've slowly been trying to adopt that method. I can basically do it that way now, although moving from some chords, like from Em to Bm is still a bit sloppy. Playing that G Bm C D sequence in "Uncle John's Band" by the Grateful Dead over and over again helped. Nevertheless, sometimes I still don't do a barre, I'd just add my index finger to the F# on the high E and only play the top four strings.
Anyway, I'd like to find out how other people have, over the long haul, developed their Bm. I know this topic has been raised before, but I always enjoy reading about it.