Topic: mea culpa

Ok. I feel i must apologize. i did say i was new to the site.

After looking around a bit i learned from the HELP notes that the name under the title of the song is the artist

In my defense i do submit: putting a name directly beneath a title appears to suggest that name is the author of that title. In fact i believe that is the way it is done in our libraries accross the land.

Would you folks consider a change in the way tha songs are presented to include the actual author under the title & then the particular artist?

Of course i can not know how important this may seem to yourselves, i can only tell you that from the viewpoint of the browser, or user,of your site it would be less confusing and it would aid me if i were looking for material which was new to me (either songs, artists or genres) to cross reference & so find myself in previously unknown territory.

So anyway, i will stop posting comments pointing out who wrote what now that i see it is only the less than formal way the songs are presented rather than mistakes.

Please forgive me, papabristol

Re: mea culpa

Chordie is a search engine and so it finds whatever is out there. Most songs are listed by the performer and title and so this is what she collects. Very few places will give you the author or composer.

I can only suggest that if you want this information you do as I do, look up the song on Wikipedia and you can find all sorts of information about a song.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"