Highlights, and random things I learned this weekend.
You can get so drunk that you can't play your guitar. This means, you can't play chords that you should be able to. You can't keep a steady beat. The beat you think you are keeping is really much slower than you think it is. This is really funny for the drunk person who can't understand why their fingers suddenly don't work right. It's also really embarrassing when it's played back to you the next day on video. Some people are allergic to bees. Those people should have Epi-Pens when visiting podunk NY as we have a LOT more bees here than in NYC. Jeff is a GREAT sport. He can fill in a Bm even when someone is playing without a beat. You CAN have a skype Jam in the middle of a party (literally, Zurf was in the center of the circle on the tablet). People that don't play guitar are impressed, even if you're too drunk to play. Rain storms do NOT ruin parties. My Dad can still impress the hell out of everyone, even though he says he can't play anymore. Jeff can get really drunk and still play guitar. 3/4 of a bottle of Rum is my proof.
Jeff is extremely tall. Washing the top of the fridge never occurred to me before I saw a picture of him standing next to it. I can hardly reach the top of the fridge. Next time there will be a bed for him to sleep in (so that he fits, and his snoring is muted a little). I shouldn't start drinking until after I've got the food organized. There is a huge venison roast that should have been on the charcoal side of the grill. I am spoiled by local corn. Salt potatoes really are a Syracuse thing. Other people seem to love my kids as much as I do.
Pictures are coming soon!
Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.