Topic: A major


This is Gus.....

Does anyone out there have trouble makeing the A major?

My three fat fingers just barely fit D, G, B in the first Fret......

Some people hate F

But A is the hardest chord for me to make......


I think Elvis is going to make it big if he keeps going like he is!

Speak up I don't see as good as I used to!

Re: A major

Hi Gus!!! Welcome to the Chordie machine.

When I first learned the A chord it was the 3 finger version. But this past year I switched to a 1 finger barr A. I use my middle finger to barr all three strings. I still use the normal A too, but the 1 finger version works out nicely too. Give it a go.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: A major

..............or use your middle to pinkie fingers. They are thnner and it makes the transition to playing, when that fateful day comes, the much feared, dreaded and (words that are not allowed on this child and lady friendly site),  'B' chord, easier to learn to play.

Welcome to Chordie,


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: A major

I cheat a little.  I barr  the E A C# with my index finger and play the A on the first string with my pinky.  I've been doing that forever


Re: A major

i usually barre the A as everyone else seems to agree, but for some unknown reason i've started playing other A shaped chords up the arm B ETC using my pinky as the shaper eg; for "B" B-F# index finger barre, F#-B-Eb using pinky barre. i don't know why i started doing this, i didn't think "i'll start playing it this way" i just looked down one night when i was playing and there it was!!!

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: A major

I generally give preference to A barre at the 5th fret rather than open A. I think the open A sounds weak.

Re: A major

I play the A major chord with my index finger barring 3 strings in the first position , if barred correctly with the index it sounds , exactly like a first position 3 fingered chord. It is also easy to do walk up and walk downs from this position. I don't know about weak, sounds good to me. I slide up and do a A-7 barre chord at the 5th fret from the first position A major and it sounds nice to.

Later, Wayne P

Re: A major

And yet another version due to large hands, I barre the D and G strings at the 2nd fret with my index finger (knuckle inverted) and the B string with my middle finger. This leaves the ring and pinky finger free for sustains, 7th's and the like.