1 (edited by hopeful 2007-07-10 18:44:53)

Topic: Want to write a song

I would love to write my first song but don't feel im very good with words, struggling to know where and how to start. Did anyone else feel like that when they thought about writing one?
There's alot of chordians that write many really good songs yet im having trouble getting started. Every day a 'first' line pops into my head and then i think, nah!! Maybe one day i'll come up with something and if i do, promise not to laugh!?!

Re: Want to write a song

it took me a while to write lyrics, and it's definately not an easy endeavor.  what i did and still do is compose the acoustic structure of the song...you know, intro, verse, bridge, chorus.  then practice your creation, and write lyrics.  just write down whatver comes to mind, my first song was a story about a brown haired girl whom I had class with whose gorgeousness intimidated the hell out of me and when I finally got comftorable talking to her I decided to quit school and move out of my home town.  it's just telling a story.   i also constantly write and rewrite, try to match lyrics with notes and chords.   and I only have lyrics to like four of the thirteen or so songs I've composed, but i'm not too passionate about writing, passion for writing is probably the most important factor. also, work on your voice, because unless you're naturally gifted or have taken choir in the past, singing and playing is pretty tough.  i bought a microphone for my computer and recorded me playing really easy songs to play, like "Island in the Sun" by Weezer and "again I go unnoticed" by dashboard confessional.  I think it helped me improve alot, being able to hear myself.  good luck with your creations!

Re: Want to write a song

If something "pops" into your head, it's probably a good idea.  Think about a theme and let the lines fall around it. What I mean is that good songs write themselves. You're just holding the pen.  And it doesn't always come at once.  Some songs can take a few minutes; some a few weeks, etc.... 

A lot of stuff I've written began with lines that end up in the middle of the song, at the end, or maybe the first line.  Keep a notebook and write EVERYTHING down 'cause the best ideas are gone very quickly after they come to you.  Always trust you inspiration.  You know how they say, "be yourself".  It's like this with lyric writing.  If an idea comes to you, it's yours, and that's what you must follow. And remember, it might only sound silly to YOU.  I had a lot of experiences where I'm improvising with some guys 'cause we have to write something for someone, and I sing something that I think is silly, but the other guys say, "That's great. Let's use it".

Having the chord progression worked out definitely makes it easier.  Then noodle around with a melody.  Very often, you'll find words falling on the notes you sing.

Hope this helps.  Good luck.

Re: Want to write a song

VirginaK's suggestion of keeping a notebook with everything is great - I also have folded pages of paper and a pencil on me when I can't have my notebook.  The more you get in the habit of jotting down phrases or even just words that somehow resonate in your imagination, the easier it becomes to use these seemingly stray ideas.

Angledawg makes the point that a passion for writing is important - exercise that passion by writing every day.  Make it a point to set aside time to flex your imagination every day.  Once writing songs (or fiction, or poetry, or limericks, or whatever) becomes a part of your daily rhythm then your creative urges can really blossom.

Writing songs is fun - I wish I had started many years ago, but I just finally decided to get serious about it (meaning do it every day) in the last couple of years.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Want to write a song


love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Want to write a song

I find that using old sayings helps to write the chorus of a song or is that just me?

The cake is a lie...

Re: Want to write a song

Hi McSquire and welcome to the chordie forum.

Have you ever heard the John Prine song " it's a big old goofy world" ?

if not then I tihnk ye should. That song is ful of Synonymies, drinks like a fish, stubborn as  mule, throat like an arabs sandal etc

tis a good song full of these.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Want to write a song

John Prine's In Spite of Ourselves also has quite a few and it's a fun song to play as well.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: Want to write a song

ok cool i shall look them up and while we are on the subject do you have any other suggestions of easy songs?
Preferably rock but i dont mind

The cake is a lie...