1 (edited by johncross21 2007-07-15 18:55:40)

Topic: Punk strumming patterns

It has to be said that punk rock does have a reputation for sloppy technique

However to be fair whilst some punk is a little primitive there are many punk guitarists with a great deal of skills -  especially in terms of rthym guitar

there is certainly an old legend that punk can all be played on three chords -the famous punk rock chords A D And E.  that is a bit a myth and to play punk well you will need to be able to play maj and minor barre chords. 

the basic punk strum is downstrokes


This is usually embellished

For example here is a rythm pattern using mainly downstrokes 


10......10..10..10..10..10.......10..10...10..... ...12..12..12...

Have a look at the Ramones doing their thing on an very early punk song

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ9kOamga … mp;search=

Another defining feature of  punk is  mixing open and damped chords.
you damp the sound of the barre chords by releasing the pressure  on the fret after playing

a common sequence is

A                  G         
1...&...2...&...3...&...4.. &
V....... X...X.. V...... X...X

this is often used to add interest to a progression using downstrokes

Re: Punk strumming patterns

yes punk rock bands are known to have great rythymists. one such band, shadows fall, their rthymist has a warm up technique where he does downstrokes and slides power chords from root6 1-3-1, then the same in root5. he does 8 of these patterns (1-3-1) in one measure. heres the kicker: its set at 240 BPM. my metronome dosnt even go that high, it maxes out at 208 BPM. thats fast.

Have you ever thought of a world with no hypothetical situations??

3 (edited by johncross21 2007-07-16 22:01:39)

Re: Punk strumming patterns


Sliding a half or a whole step is indeed commonplace in Punk Music

It was one of Steve Jones (the Sex Pistols) favorite licks. He was a big fan of rock and roll and this sort of sliding was used to great effect previously by Chuck Berry

This sort of thing -

